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January 10, 2012

The Future Diet of the United States


"Our beef comes from 100 percent free range cows that are allowed to enjoy their local environment and only feed on local produce." --VICE DOs & DON'Ts

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 10, 2012 2:26 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Hindu Beef, range fed and pampered. It rivals Kobe beef and is more tasty since it is sacred.

Posted by: Peccable at January 10, 2012 3:44 PM


I live in Arizona. A few blocks from my house, there's a fenced-off "field" where occasionally roam a herd of what one must presume are "free-range" "grass-fed" cows. Poor things, they look anorexic, or like extras in some movie about starving farm villages in Africa. The "field" is mostly hardscrabble dirt with a few nubby, stunted shrubs - not enough to feed even one cow, let alone a herd of any size. I'm all for raising animals in some sort of natural setting when it's possible, but there's nothing natural about a herd of cows trying to live off an empty patch of dirt in the desert.

Cripes, people are stupid.

Posted by: Julie at January 10, 2012 5:34 PM

Remember, when eating, moderation is important. Everyone wants lean beef, on or off the hoof and cheap.

Posted by: Peccable at January 11, 2012 2:48 AM

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