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January 20, 2012

Blade Chop a Condor, Go to Jail... Maybe


It's a flight path that is taking the condor
perilously closer to the spinning blades of Tehachapi wind turbines that depend on those same thermal currents to generate power; biologists fear it's only a matter of time before the condor begins hitting the 500-foot-high machines. A single death could be catastrophic for the wind industry, theregional economy and, not least, the condor. -- Revival Of Iconic California Condor Threatens State's Wind Farm Boom - Forbes

Charles Manson Energy
The mere possession of an eagle feather by a non-Indian can result in fines and imprisonment, even if the feather came from a bird butchered by a wind turbine: up to $100,000, a year in prison or both for a first offense. Poisoning or otherwise killing common bats that have nested in one’s attic can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in fines. Wind turbine companies, officers and employees, however, are immune from prosecution, fines or imprisonment, regardless of how many rare, threatened, endangered or migratory birds and bats they kill.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 20, 2012 10:18 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Yet another example of Party over principles. The Left isn't in favor of anything except the destruction of the American economic engine, and their goal is within easy reach today.

A decade or more ago the Audobon Society called wind turbines "Cuisinarts for birds" yet not a single peep (pun intended) can be heard from animal rights groups who will spend years tying up landowners' rights over an obscure cricket.

Posted by: Director at January 20, 2012 10:46 AM

If I had bats in my belfry I'd become a cat lover. No law against that yet.

Posted by: james wilson at January 20, 2012 11:03 AM

Doesn't sound like "Equal Justice Under the Law" to me.

Susan Lee

Posted by: Susan Lee at January 20, 2012 2:36 PM

When do we get to string environmentalists up from their precious windmills? Rows of dangling earth hippies could provide a great food supply for these oversized vultures.


Posted by: jwm at January 20, 2012 3:43 PM

I grew up in Southern California, and have lived through all manner of propaganda in my day - two of the most prominent being sustainable/recyclable/non-fossil fuel energy and animal welfare, the California Condor being a major cause for the zoological society of the county I will always call home.

My laughter at the neverending truth of the law of unintended consequences is in no way a reflection of my feelings toward either the Condor (the vulture of the west) or the wind power industry (venture capital meets utopian idealism - and gubmint/my cash!).

No, my laughter comes from a visualization of the meeting where the environmentalist and animal activist are both handed a copy of this report, given a lawyer apiece, and have to fight to the death of their side over which is the more important - Mother Earth, or her dependents.

When the decision is made that liberty can be limited for the sake of hypotheticals, its the lawyers that get to decide where the limits will be - over, and over, and over again - to the point that you wind up with two 'victors', legally, in the culture wars fighting with each other over the spoils.

For another example, see Carrie Prejean v. Perez Hilton v. Will.I.Am - or, as someone I can't recall said ' of course we're all equal, some are just more equal than others.'

The question is, how many vultures/condors are worth green energy subsidies?

(Sidenote - been to Tehachapi. Dated a girl from there. Trailer parks, dirt, and wind, lots o' wind. I have a feeling they want to keep that gravy train of enviro-cash a'rollin.)

Posted by: Dan at January 20, 2012 7:07 PM

Truly it is only a matter of time before one of those condors is downed by a turbine. There's a video clip on YouTube somewhere of a condor being downed by one somewhere in South America.

Posted by: Anonymous at January 20, 2012 8:48 PM

Have no fear the earth-nazis will take a stand against wind turbines someday. Their usual practice is to oppose what they demanded just moments before our way of life depends on their once great hope for man.

While they are busy trying to shut coal, oil, gas, and nukes to be replaced by wind and solar, they will ignore the birds. Once we've shut enough coil, oil, gas, and nukes and built enough wind and solar such they we are dependent that is when the earth-nazis will suddenly discover the immediate need to end the wind farms. They will also discover too much water is needed to keep the solar facilities clean enough for efficient operation.

If you are willing to look there is nothing surprising or new about any of the commi-lib actions. They keep playing the same hand over and over ad infinitum. It's not about the facts, it's about the hate.

Posted by: Scott M at January 21, 2012 2:15 AM

JWM, shrink wrap the eco-nazis in bundles of 50 and use them as fuel in coal fired plants. For once in their shallow lives they could be useful.

Posted by: Peccable at January 21, 2012 3:21 AM

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