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January 20, 2012

A look at state-run radio in the United States

NPR however is subtler.
To maintain the illusion of freedom, our propaganda must disguise itself as the alternative to propaganda. This means it must be permissive, but also have a sense of higher moral calling, so you sense that (a) there are no rules but (b) good people behave a certain way and we’ll tell you what it is.

To that end, NPR has developed a distinctive style. If it were music, it would be minor-key. It is a lamentation that wraps itself around “uplifting” ideas that never quite change the mood. It is an affirmation of the crushing power of normalcy while doing its best to notice all the quirky, off-beat, ironic, unique, different and non-conformist details. --The NPR style | Amerika

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 20, 2012 10:39 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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