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December 31, 2011

"Women have only one fleeting chance, often, at happiness, and can see it go by without even realizing it. "


This is why vampires are so popular,
real life men disappoint them, and like the male geeks retreating into dreams of hot Vulcan or other Alien babes, women retreat into a fantasy of hunky dominant, violent guys fighting over them and for them. But the reality is sad. Above all else. --Whiskey's Place: The Sadness, American and British Versions

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 31, 2011 9:34 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Man by nature is not a civil being; pop culture manifests this in corrosive ways. The implementation of Political Correctness forces this display in strange manners, like a fat person wearing tight Spandex.

Reading Lao Tzu might give a better understanding.
Such as:
"When people are forcefully restrained, their defiance becomes ingenious.
And the more ingenious their defiance, the stranger are the things that happen.
Now when strange things begin to happen, laws and regulations become stricter;
Then stricter laws and regulations mean more criminals and fugitives."

Posted by: Anonymous at January 1, 2012 5:02 AM

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