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December 5, 2011

Unfortunately for the rest of the world, Obama's stupidity is their problem.

America and Europe are still the pillars of the world economy
and between the EU leadership and Obama, it's no wonder that the tin pot oligarchies elsewhere are collapsing. The force tearing them down isn't really democracy or a desire for freedom, it's the criminal stupidity and venality of the people at the top.... Bread and circuses, subsidized goods and political entertainment, can only go so far. Americans have stopped buying magazine covers with Obama's smug face leering back at them and Russians are far less interested in Putin matroshka dolls. When there are no jobs then it's time for the clowns to get back in the limo before the rocks start flying. -- Daniel Greenfield

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 5, 2011 11:06 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

It would be far smarter to lock the limo doors before the bozos can hop their rides. Then bounce the boulders off the beggars.

Posted by: Peccable at December 6, 2011 3:54 AM

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