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December 6, 2011

President Nobody Atall

How many presidential incarnations has this guy been through in four years?
When he first started campaigning, he was pushing Lincoln comparisons and citing Reagan as the model of a paradigm-shifting leader. Then Ted and Caroline Kennedy endorsed him and suddenly he was the new JFK. Then he was sworn in as the new FDR whose can-do ideas about government intervention and stimulus would dig us out of the recessionary hole. A year later he got ObamaCare passed, making him the heir to LBJ's Great Society legacy. As the economy floundered, his team pointed to Reagan's 1983 turnaround as their electoral model; Recovery Summer came and went and the economy kept floundering, so they turned to Truman for inspiration on how to scapegoat a "do-nothing Congress."€ As of today he's a Teddy Roosevelt progressive, ready to slay the dragons of plutocracy with the sword of government. And on top of all of this, of course, the Carter comparisons are evergreen. I'm honestly curious to see how he draws the inevitable Gerald Ford analogy before his term's up.-- Hot Air

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 6, 2011 10:14 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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