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November 7, 2011

The larger vision of the mediaeval University

Before our culture collapses under the critique of postmodernism;
before our politicians descend into complete unprincipled pragmatism; before democracy itself is dismantled by its own inner contradictions – we urgently need the larger vision of the mediaeval University, no doubt in radically new but still holistic forms, to teach a new generation that truth and beauty are more than fantasy, that public policy is more than Machiavellian scheming, and that we are best served when the will of the people is brought, by whatever means, into a dynamic dialogue with the will of God. -- The Great Story, A Sermon to Celebration the 600th anniversary of the foundation of the University of St Andrews HT: 4th Checkraise

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 7, 2011 7:22 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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