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November 25, 2011

Memo to M. Bachmann from Ann Barnhardt

Okay. You want to be the President of the United States of America, Michelle? You want to be the Commander in Chief? You want to be the leader of the free (?) world?
Um, if you can't see an ambush coming from Jimmy Flipping Fallon, who is a former SNL cast member (after the Phil Hartman era which is when SNL stopped being funny), and thus, by definition, a flaming liberal with no class who is wholly reliant on adolescent gutter humor, do you really think that you're qualified to be the CiC? I'm serious. If you and your staff aren't smart enough or self-aware enough to figure out that you don't go walking into obvious set-ups with slack-jawed TV talk show hosts, then do you REALLY think you are going to be able to go up against Putin or the ChiComs? Hon, if you get rolled by JIMMY FALLON, then you won't stand a chance against Hu Jintao. But then, the very fact that the gateway to the Oval Office is now kept by the likes of undignified flotsam like Jimmy Fallon and these other TV carney hacks is just more proof that this country is officially, totally and irrevocably screwed. My name is Ann Barnhardt, and I'm #OccupyingReality. -- Barnhardt.biz - Commodity Brokerage

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 25, 2011 8:22 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Ain't it the truth! As nice and smart as Bachmann is, she isn't a street fighter.
She needs to learn how to punch someone in the stomach when their back is turned.

Posted by: Peccable at November 25, 2011 10:33 AM

She needs to put her knee into someone's groin. Now that is real street fighting. Or, just blow the SOB away with a nice dependable 357 S&W.

Posted by: Cilla Mitchell at November 25, 2011 10:53 AM

Ann has the virtue of callin' 'em as she sees 'em, but she does go overboard from time to time.

It may (I emphasize may) be that Bachmann knew going in that Fallon and Co. would pull some sort of juvenile stunt. She went anyway, the better to drive home to Middle America (which shouldn't need reminding, but some people are just too forgiving) just how juvenile the Big Media / Big Content / Bi-Coastal Elites truly are.

I don't think she'd get rolled by Putin, Hu, and Company because I think she does know quite well that they don't have our interests at heart.

My two cents' worth.

(And no, I'm not an apologist for Bachmann. I'll vote for the Republican candidate in 2012, but I'll have to hold my nose to do it, being as how I'm a Life Member of the Libertarian Party. Too bad my party has no chance of winning.....)

Hale Adams
Pikesville, People's Democratic Republic of Maryland

Posted by: Hale Adams at November 26, 2011 1:54 PM

Jay Leno smears axle grease up his ass everynight for the democrats. What do you expect from Letterman or that dipshit (Iforgot his name) after Leno?

Posted by: hava at November 27, 2011 1:01 AM

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