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September 30, 2011

Don't mace me, bro

For the left, demonstrations and activism are simply nostalgic re-enactments of 1968, essentially no different in style or spirit from those Civil War re-enactors. -- The Fourth Checkraise:

Update from the Comments: "I'd add another first-hand observation: they lack any kind of disciplined group-solidarity, and run away from their fallen members -- something that not even the lowest Weimar-era Nazi or Communist street-fighting thug would be caught doing. "

Posted by Vanderleun at September 30, 2011 11:18 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I made the very same point years ago when commenting on some insipid Berkeley demonstration. The big differences between the phenomena, of course, are that the Civil War reenactors *know it's all theatre*, and *don't inconvenience urban life or strain public resources*.

Fourth Checkraise also mentioned how modern "radicals" turn into whining, victimhood-mongering wimps the moment that security forces deal with them. That's true, and I'd add another first-hand observation: they lack any kind of disciplined group-solidarity, and run away from their fallen members -- something that not even the lowest Weimar-era Nazi or Communist street-fighting thug would be caught doing. To me, that's just another indicator that such "activism" is essentially a public form of group therapy, where coherent agendas and organized actions take a back seat to self-expression and individualized "healing".

Posted by: Skorpion at September 30, 2011 1:19 PM

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