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September 13, 2011

Chrome-rimmed Poverty?

The problem with those who invaded my farm this summer was not poverty,
but too much -- at least in the sense of driving late-model trucks as they sought to destroy the lives and tranquility of others to get things that, by the very fact of their mode of transportation, they did not need. For the last two years, I have witnessed two constants: late-model cars in the valley shopping centers, an epidemic of obesity apparent to the naked eye, majorities on plastic food stamp debt cards, without apparent work in mid-morning, and a general unhappiness in the check-out lines that the government, state, city, etc. is not doing enough for them. All that is coupled with a media message of a cruel, heartless society that needs to do more for its oppressed -- and a popular culture that damns any so witless and heartless for pointing the contradictions out. -- Works and Days » The California Corridor: Some Lessons on Government Largesse From the New Frontier

Posted by Vanderleun at September 13, 2011 1:19 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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