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August 15, 2011

Comment of the Day to Comment of the Week

"I like Mrs. Palin, but she failed the first test when she could not complete her term as Governor of Alaska."
The day you're falsely accused of ridiculous and frivolous matters by ten different people (some covering themselves under fictitious characters) and then the accusations multiply by five or ten;...

... then, bring you to the point of dragging your co-workers and friends into the same pit, and you find yourself unable to defend yourself with attorney fees that are ten times greater than your ability to pay and little to no personal fortune of your own (especially if you're not born into a great political dynasty like the Kennedys), not to mention that the laws of your state do not give you any kind of support to fight those charges;...

... and then, you notice that precious time that you could use for more important matters is wasted in fighting pests (cockroaches!) like these, and then you are so trapped in their (falsely weaved) web that you have no other choice than to cut your loses and fight guerrilla-style like a mercenary, to recover your unjustly lost honor...

... Then, and ONLY then, you can come back and talk to me - or any of us - about how Sarah Palin should not run for the Presidency. -- Newton comments @ Comment of the Week: Newton Wants Palin to Pull the Trigger @ AMERICAN DIGEST

Posted by Vanderleun at August 15, 2011 10:35 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The heat in Alaska will be nothing compared to the scorched earth campaign that will be waged against her if she runs for President. If she couldn't stand it up there what makes us think she can handle it in the White House.

The task that faces the next President will be to dismantle the welfare leviathan that threatens to eat us all. They -- the permanent government and their peg boys in the MSM -- will die in the last ditch to preserve their phoney baloney jobs.

Palin is a nice lady, with good political instincts, but she flinched once. We cannot afford to give her another chance.

Posted by: Fat Man at August 15, 2011 1:15 PM

These people either have amnesia, or they think we do.

Posted by: Jewel at August 15, 2011 2:24 PM

Jewel, hammer that thought HOME! This is nothing more than others choosing candidates for us.
We can choose our own.

Posted by: Peccable at August 15, 2011 2:40 PM

My, Grampa, what big fonts you have! And it isn't even Thursday, yet!

Posted by: Jewel at August 15, 2011 2:48 PM

I don't think the whole thing deserves any kind of a response. So she left 'em wanting more, so what?

Posted by: Morgan K Freeberg at August 15, 2011 3:12 PM

Fat Man -- no, she didn't flinch. She saw the odds and made a strategic retreat. She reloaded and came out firing to lead the charge in 2010. When you are fighting a leviathan, you have to use unconventional methods. Wake up, man.

Posted by: CBDenver at August 15, 2011 7:43 PM

Fat Man -- no, she didn't flinch. She saw the odds and made a strategic retreat. She reloaded and came out firing to lead the charge in 2010. When you are fighting a leviathan, you have to use unconventional methods. Wake up, man.

Posted by: CBDenver at August 15, 2011 7:43 PM

CBDenver: Excuses, Excuses.

Posted by: Fat Man at August 15, 2011 8:17 PM

"She saw the odds and made a strategic retreat. "

I agree. She was being financially and legally crushed by the frivolous lawsuits.

What good will she do anybody if she goes bankrupt and gets her reputation all nciked up by these lawsuits.

Thats how the 'poor' are kept in their place. Poor... as in anybody who is not a multi-millionaire.

Down with the Plutocrats!

Posted by: Cond0010 at August 15, 2011 10:58 PM

She flinched. She made excuses. You bought the excuses. I don't. There are other ways to handle things, and she took the easy way. It won't do.

Posted by: Fat Man at August 16, 2011 10:08 AM

"There are other ways to handle things, and she took the easy way."

Name one of these other ways. Take your time.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at August 16, 2011 10:59 AM

Fat Man seems to think there's a better way. Wonder what he's got in mind.

Posted by: Morgan K Freeberg at August 16, 2011 11:15 AM

Alaska needed a governor, and the attacks were making it impossible for her to do her job. She did the right thing. If she was a flincher at any time in the past, she ain't now! She has taken more heat from the media and the Dem thugs than anyone on the planet, and is still standing with class, courage, and wit. Who else, when asked for an interview by a national media reporter, would brush him aside in favor of a heifer? Loved it! Am proud of Sarah, and would like to see her run!!!!!

Posted by: Who-zit at August 16, 2011 2:52 PM

"Fat Man seems to think there's a better way. Wonder what he's got in mind."

""There are other ways to handle things, and she took the easy way."

"Name one of these other ways. Take your time."

I agree. C'mon, Fat Man, I'm waiting...

Posted by: newton at August 17, 2011 9:01 PM

(Bible comparisons coming - beware. Remember that Sarah was raised in a Pentecostal church.)

Long before David (yeah, that same kid who slay Goliath) became King, he also had been trapped into an impossible situation. So, what did he do?

1. He cut his losses - especially after king Saul had thrown a spear meant to kill the young lad;
2. Abandoned the little bit he had earned so far, including the king's daughter (his spousal reward for some gruesomely successful work);
3. Escaped into the wilderness with his family, even obtaining asylum in not-so-friendly lands (don't be surprised if his family kept their arrows or knives under their pillows, just as the Palins and the Heaths have had for over three years);
4. found himself surrounded by a huge group of followers who worked their a$$es off and fought for him ceaselessly without the benefit of Facebook "friends", PACs, or the "Going Rogue Shepherd" or "Israel by Heart" bestsellers (he only managed to write little Psalms, like the 2nd, the 16th and the 23rd - imagine that!);
5. and fought as a mercenary while he was being chased all around... by a king and an establishment who considered him a threat to their power. (Sounds uncannily familiar, doesn't it?)

And before he actually became The King, he had to bid his time as all of his enemies were committing suicide by Philistines or by civil war. (Is this what's going on in the primary battle?)

Funny how some things never change...

Oh... has anyone here noticed that king Saul seemed (and King Barack I seems) to be tormented by the same kind of "inconveniences", especially after they both were (are) being rejected in favor of the "generic candidate"? Think about that...

Also... Have y'all noticed how peaceful and happy Sarah Palin seems to be wherever she goes? She's been thrown things no one ever wishes upon their enemies - and yet she's still standing, as strong as ever.

I bet y'all she regards King David's little Psalms as the best medicine.

Posted by: newton at August 17, 2011 10:34 PM

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