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July 31, 2011

"Great art flourishes when people are free – "

- when they are permitted to tap into the Godspark that resides within them,
and this is true, even if they must work within some sort of guideline or restriction. Sometimes it is the restriction, itself, that helps to open floodgates of greatness. Camille Paglia once said (paraphrasing from memory, again) that homosexual artists were never as productive, creative or subversively great as they were when they were in the closet; once out, art suffered with a flatness and lack of urgency or energy. In Rome, one finds evidence, everywhere, of passionate, creative genius unleashed down the centuries both in service to and sometimes contra the restrictive Catholic Church, which may have had prudish ideas, but still encouraged and patronized art, often for art’s sake – but always with some sort of accountability. -- Why Tyranny Fears Art – UPDATED | The Anchoress

Posted by Vanderleun at July 31, 2011 11:45 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I was taught that repression created the great Russian authors. WFB said that art is that which uplifts the human spirit. There's not much interest in the pop culture in uplifting the human spirit these days.

Posted by: Casca at July 31, 2011 1:22 PM

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