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July 26, 2011

Blogging Secrets of the Bitch and Infamous

In which the Gagdad, he types for me:
Well, I started blogging almost six years ago, in October 2005. By November 2005 it was getting to be a grind, because there was nothing left for me to say. At that point I gave up trying, and simply dispossessed my Self of myself. So you could say that it's been non-stop bullshitting since then, but never say that it hasn't been empty bullshitting. -- Gagdad: O and ʘ Tattooed Across the Knuckles of My Head

Posted by Vanderleun at July 26, 2011 3:06 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I bought his book shortly after discovering the blog (which I think I first linked to thru THIS blog). My memory is so shot that I don't recall exactly how long ago this was but it has to be more than two years. Bob is sometimes weird, sometimes funny, sometimes confusing and often insightful. At his best I find his work inspiring. I go there just about every day. He has this thing about word play and puns that is mostly - for me - distracting but I usually get the idea. I liked his book very much and if you don't mind a bit of strange it is worth reading. The other thing about his blog is that he often discusses other writers and this has led to my discovery of some very interesting and insightful people that I otherwise would likely never have encountered.

And yes, his work is many things but it is never "empty".

Posted by: scory at July 27, 2011 9:45 AM

"but never say that it hasn't been empty bullshitting."

Shouldn't that read "but never say that it has been empty bullshitting"?

Posted by: mikhail silo at July 27, 2011 1:20 PM

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