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May 4, 2011

Antiwar Movement? Nailed to It's Perch and Pushing Up the Daisies

The world must now realize that the domestic antiwar movement is dead, kaput;

it cares not a whit whether we assassinate bin Laden or a son of Qaddafi or go into Libya. Everything is on the table now and there are no self-restraints, no snickers on The Daily Show, no quirky insider winks on Letterman, no Barbara Streisand crazy faxes. A Nobel peace laureate is now the Left’s totem and he can send quite deadly Americans on quite deadly missions as he sees fit — and without worry about a New York Times op-ed barrage or an ACLU lawsuit. That gives the US newfound advantages, a veritable blank check, from keeping Guantanamo open indefinitely to using a Cheney “assassination” team and valuable water-boarded intelligence wherever it wishes to. A Harold Koh is not going to be filing any more lawsuits against his government — he is the government. -- VDH's Private Papers:: Bin Laden Fallout

Posted by Vanderleun at May 4, 2011 6:03 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Has the American Left painted themselves into a corner? Or have we just witnessed Obama throwing the entire world under the bus as only he can do? I'm thinking it's a political deke in light of the 2012 elections. He understands that while we celebrate and the rest of the world scratches their heads, he'll make his move toward the net before anyone realizes what has happened. When have principles and facts ever gotten in Barack Obama's way? For a man of zero integrity, all is fair all the time.

Posted by: RedCarolina at May 4, 2011 8:47 AM

I'd guess the 16 hours were spent on solving the equations of political calculus.

Fortunately, the WH don't realize that information can't be as tightly controlled as it was in good ol' Chicago days, so they thought they could get away with a fake account of the proceedings in Pakistan. In consequence, they've effectively killed the poll bump they could have had.

Posted by: Brett_McS at May 5, 2011 1:52 AM

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