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May 7, 2011

A lot of rich lefties from industrialized nations want

–really want–to keep some of their fellow human beings in poverty, so they can visit them in their traditional towns and villages during their travels to obscure corners of the world–as if these people were animals in a picturesque zoo. -- A Summer Special from the Couple Who Pwned the Environmental-Extremist Movement

Posted by Vanderleun at May 7, 2011 3:21 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

We're getting error 500, and 404, when we click the link...

Posted by: Patvann at May 7, 2011 5:33 PM

Works from here.

The direct address is


Posted by: vanderleun at May 7, 2011 6:32 PM

Link works now. Musta been a kink in the intertubes.

Posted by: Patvann at May 7, 2011 9:04 PM

Radio host Dennis Prager makes the point the Left is nearly united in freeing wild animals from zoos. They think it cruel to force animals to live in some pale immitation of their natural habitat. Yet, the same Lefties are busy trying to turn the human world into a pale immitation of reality managed by wise professionals. They are smart enough to create a healthy, risk-free, no-consequence world for humans, but it's all but a war-crime to try and give a polar bear a healthy and engaging home in a zoo.

It's not a coincidence the Left will fight for the "rights" of an insect or snail darter, but will not recognize the rights of a pre-born human. Ingrid Newkirk said as much. A cockroach has as much right to live as a human, yet she is agnostic as to what rights if any, a pre-born child may have.

The Left is evil and they want us dead.

Posted by: Scott M at May 7, 2011 9:26 PM

When I've researched the "plans" the UN has for the developing countries vis a vis the carbon trading scheme, it boils down to paying them with our money to keep them poor and sick, with their corrupt governments in-place.
It is really is an extension writ-large of the mindset that we witness when Jesse Jackson claims he's helping Blacks, and/or the poverty-pimps that use the same methodologies of lies, guilt, and blackmail to get their way.
When it comes down to it, if the Blacks and poor ever figure it all out, those asshats will be out of a job. Therefore they must be kept in their place, so that Jesse still has his job. The UN is simply a bigger version of the same inhuman goals.

Posted by: Patvann at May 7, 2011 9:37 PM

The left is the first to tell you that they support equal rights, gay rights and the rights of cute, fuzzy animals, and also the first to tell you that you have no right to say anything they disagree with.

Posted by: Jewel at May 7, 2011 10:02 PM

As someone who actually lives in a Third World country, I can say unequivocally that the locals who live around me do not want to be trapped forever in traditional villages (since they now live in the same big city I do, they've obviously already left). They want the same things I want: a job that pays them a wage they can live on, decent housing, affordable schooling for their kids, access to modern medical care, and freedom from corrupt government officials. They're not stupid, they care about the environment, but they care more about foreign and local companies bringing in paying jobs. For them, it's often a choice between a marginal existence as a farmer (usually of rice), or a better life as a factory worker. The left will say, "this is awful, we've forced these people from their traditional way of life". But most of the people I've talked to say "good riddance".

It's not 100% smooth sailing, of course. There aren't enough good jobs for everyone, and many village folks who come to the city to seek their fortune end up in dead-end jobs like door-to-door vendor, taxi driver, or karaoke "hostess" (i.e., prostitute). But the locals say that the solution is more development, not a return to traditional village life. I agree.

Posted by: waltj at May 8, 2011 2:17 AM

Not a chance! Don't allow this to be changed!!!
Where would I go to get my travel picture to take home, sized 60"X 30" for my wall and then have post cards made to send to all my swell friends so that they may be impressed.

Donate to UNICEF and help KEEP the THIRD WORLD alive!

Posted by: Peccable at May 8, 2011 5:09 AM

It's also interesting, and you made me think of this, Walt, how these lefties in power with all their legislative do-goodness, having pillaged the hard-working first-world, have successfully turned some of our own major metropolitan areas into third-world swamps of festering ignorance.

Posted by: Jewel at May 8, 2011 8:08 AM

Morgan has a corollary to this over at his "House":

(Excerpt from: Memo For File CXXXVIII
Sunday, May 8th, 2011)
"You know, I think it comes down to that old saying about democrats. There can be no denying how much they love poor people — all their policies keep them that way, and create more."

Posted by: Patvann at May 8, 2011 8:58 AM

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