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April 22, 2011

Krauthammer on How the Nation Is Finally Ready to Settle Down with a Nice Boy.


"No baggage and no need for flash. Having tried charisma in 2008, the electorate is not looking for a thrill up the leg in 2012. It’s looking for solid, stable, sober and, above all, not scary."

This ties into the idea that a competent, grownup type who has actually managed something without spending it into the ground will win over the symbol of buyer's remorse who now occupies the White House. Now, more than ever, it's hip to be square.

The Racing Form, WaPo

{Little Miss Attila}

Posted by Little Miss Attila at April 22, 2011 9:36 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Oh, the irony of "hope and change"! Does this mean Mitt will be our next president? As we have learned the hardest way possible, we can do far worse than Romney. What sweet justice to see Barack Hussein Obama, our first ever intelligent president defeat HIMSELF. Getting elected was easy. Being POTUS is hard, as it turns out, when the affirmative action ran out for the black liberation theology's golden boy - the social justice wunderkid. Anyone noticed the "tone" lately coming from the liberals lately? They would have us believe that he needs four more years to implement his brilliant ideas. They are suggesting that getting things done is challenging - that the horrible Repubs in the House (and the Tea Party) are obstructing his brilliance. Dang it! He was born to be KING, not an elected leader with checks and balances! He needs four more years to organize his lowly subjects.

Posted by: RedCarolina at April 22, 2011 10:32 AM

I can't even pronounce it.

Posted by: David McKinnis at April 22, 2011 10:39 AM

The Good Doctor is an optimist.

As defense analyst Colin Gray Writes in a recent book about the near-term possibilities of major conflict, "Another Bloody Century,"* when considering optimism and pessimism, "optimism is apt to kill with greater certainty."

-- “Fear of China” by Robert D. Kaplan in The Wall Street Journal, on page A14, on April 21, 2006.

* ISBN 0297846272

Posted by: Fat Man at April 22, 2011 10:48 AM

Good thing no one is optimistic then, Fat Man. I think Krauthammer is right, but I don't think we can underestimate the power of corruption in elections and residual white-guilt and die-hard liberalism (people who consider themselves too cool for vote for any Republican). I say we use reverse strategy on them - we choose our most attractive candidate, literally - that means anyone but Newt - and one who doesn't completely deflate our base like McCain did and one doesn't excite and motivate Obama's base, like Bush or Palin. Trump might be over-rated, although I'd take him over Obama and Newt would actually offend the Repub base. I think Romney is our most attractive candidate although I think Trump is the only one who could actually out-bullshit Obama and actually win by doing so. You, Fat Man, are correct in pointing out that we can't assume anything. Having said that, I think it is good that we continue to promote articles like this, strategically speaking - they at least put small tarnishes and dings in Obama's armor, plant seeds of doubt in the minds of the swing voters. He'll fall. They always do... eventually.

Posted by: RedCarolina at April 22, 2011 12:10 PM

I would not vote for the wretched little man offered me in '08--finally quit that game. If I am offered a Romney this time around, I will do what I didn't have the guts to do in '08, and vote for Obama to finish the job. Apparently, we haven't found bottom yet. Kind of amazing.

Posted by: james wilson at April 22, 2011 12:58 PM

Don't go looking for the bottom. There isn't one; at least there isn't one that doesn't involve cannibalism.

Posted by: Brett_McS at April 22, 2011 4:25 PM

@James Wilson

Intersting view point, James. Obama has done more to destroy the liberals in over 2 years than the Republicans have done in 20.

I strongly disagree with Krauthammer (This mus be some Twilight zone episode or alternate reality) as I after noticed that Mittens Romney and Timmy Pawlenty get the Liberal Media Puff Pieces and I have come increasingly distrustful of the self-same media and their slanting of the news.

I guess I've come to the conclusion that if the media thrashes a candidate with all the hard questions, the no win cheap shots, and the late night comedy spanking machine and still can hold up to my view of what is a sound platform (buh bye Ron Paul...), then they are the kind of candidate(s) I will end up voting for in the next election.

Puff pieces are a bad sign. No media lapdogs (or 'nice boys') for me. I might as well vote democrat if thats the case.

John Bolton, Alan West, Michelle Bachman, Sarah Palin, Chris Christy... all look good to me.

Still, I'll have to think about that Obama gambit James Wilson. Interesting....

Posted by: cond0010 at April 22, 2011 5:46 PM

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