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February 24, 2011

Checking in on the Proglodyte Double Standard

Tell me if I have now understood this one right. Lara Logan has the inalienable right to go wherever she wants wearing whatever she feels like,
and no one is allowed to touch her without her explicit consent, regardless of the particular cultural mores of her current locale. However, that American couple who was killed by Somali pirates pretty much deserved their gory fate for trying to impose their oppressive backward religion and narrow-minded values on other cultures, and those silly old biddies were just too dumb to understand that they can't just go to an Islamic country to do Christian missionary work passing around free Bibles, and expect to be physically safe and free from a violent response. -- The Fourth Checkraise: Dispatches from the Two Cultures

Posted by Vanderleun at February 24, 2011 8:51 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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