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January 1, 2011

Time to Expunge the Nation of the Clever Sillies

Most of the people and cultures we think of as smart are merely clever.
The Chinese and Japanese are entire races of clever sillies, which is why China will never become a superpower (despite the braying of the self-appointed “experts”) and why Japan has been stuck in a recession ever since the 80′s, when those same “experts” said that THEY would take over the world. Clever sillies, or “clever morons” as AD calls them, are problematic because they justify the life-destroying, culture-wrecking idiocies they push with their “smartness.” Feminism, socialism, neoliberalism, multiculturalism, political correctness – all of them are pushed by clever sillies who are witty enough to implement a policy but too stupid to understand why it’s a bad idea. -- Intelligence is for stupid people

Posted by Vanderleun at January 1, 2011 5:50 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

How could anyone who knows anything about either China or Japan possibly imply that feminism, multiculturalism (?!) and political correctness are big there? Xenophobia, yes. Multiculturalism, not a chance.

Posted by: Rubashov at January 2, 2011 6:45 PM

As pointed out elsewhere on this site, it is impossible to speak (or write) without being misunderstood. The proof is in Rubashov's comment.

Posted by: St. Thor at January 3, 2011 7:04 AM

A lot of the isms are systems of suspension of reality, which China and other tightly controlled collectivist systems are symptomatic of. They encourage a culture of lying in order to survive, not innovation. The Chinese and Japanese have always been imitators of American ingenuity.

Posted by: Ralph at January 3, 2011 7:16 AM

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