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December 1, 2010

Assange's Old Blog: "Krill to the baleen of the feminine"

From the archive of Julian Assange's blog IQ.ORG comes this strange and disturbing wad of blather.

Thu 29 Jun 2006 : Krill to the baleen of the feminine

"I've always found women caught in a thunderstorm appealing. Perhaps it is a male universal, for without advertising this proclivity a lovely girl I knew, but not well, on discovering within herself lascivious thoughts about me and noticing raindrops outside her windows, stood for a moment fully clothed in her shower before letting the wind and rain buffet her body as she made her tremulous approach to my door and of course I could not turn her away.

"But then, just when one might suspect that men are krill to the baleen of female romantic manipulation, I found myself loving a girl who was a coffee addict. I would make a watery paste of finely ground coffee and surreptitiously smear this around my neck and shoulders before seducing her so she would associate my body with her dopaminergic cravings. But every association relates two objects both ways. She started drinking more and more coffee. Sometimes I looked at her cups of liquid arabicia with envious eyes for if there were four cups then somehow, I was one of them, or a quarter of everyone one of them..."

Posted by Vanderleun at December 1, 2010 9:23 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Gee, and I thought the only kind of woman who would be attracted to him would have to be blind, deaf, quadriplegic, unable to taste and lacking the sense of smell. Color me surprised.

Posted by: Jewel at December 1, 2010 12:05 PM

If Putin's thugs get a hold of him, he'll probably end up as fish (or whale) food of some kind. And I won't shed a tear for that very strange Australian duck.

Posted by: waltj at December 1, 2010 9:26 PM

Julian Assange is today's Gilbert & Sullivan as a Siamese twin.

All the buffoonery of the World's Foggy Bottoms are out there for your pleasure; you need not even pay the inflated prices for a Broadway seat.

When he starts on the banks, the Poobahs of Principal are not going to look glamorous. Let us hope some (many) Fed Reserve documents are caught in that dump.
Perhaps that will alter your perception of what is happening.

The only regrets are the lack of redaction of names of those working in the background providing intelligence to free their countries from oppression.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at December 2, 2010 5:00 AM

Can we just say narcissistic personality disorder? It seems to show up in a lot of places these days. Is it contagious??

Posted by: Jimmy J. at December 2, 2010 8:38 PM

he's... repulsive. besides, I prefer my men to smell 100% like men.. the krill thing works both ways - or at least is SHOULD if the man is a real man. what was he trying to cover with the paste? On second thought, I don't want to know. Just such a level of slimy narcissism is required to facilitate the very real undoing of our national security.. am I giving this slug too much credit? It seems to me this is an extremely dangerous game he's playing.. I hope I'm wrong. Woman's intuition, maybe.. but this story is really worrisome to me, Friends.

Posted by: Red Carolina at December 6, 2010 6:43 AM

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