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October 30, 2010

Be the Whirlwind They Reap: Comment of the Week from Scott M

In reaction toSide-Lines: The Autumn of President Putz

Luckily for Obama, and the other dedicated Marxists seeking American punishment, their opponents will not even knock over a trash can no matter what the Marxists do to this country.

Drive across country and stand at the Lincoln Memorial for hours listening to speeches about playing by the rules, check.

Picking up your trash and carefully driving back home, check.

Complaining to your neighbor as the ACLU drives the Boy Scouts out of business, check.

Avoiding any place or institution that is predominately liberal, double check.

Moving away while the liberals left behind take over, oh yeah double super-check.

Liberals want to take over the world and conservatives want to be left alone. You have to go on offense against the liberals and take over their turf and be willing to "punch back twice as hard."

Resolve to not convict anyone resisting liberal tyranny and elect local politicians willing to nullify unconstitutional measures from above.

Don't hide behind standing on formality while the Marxists take it all away from you.

Make every commie-lib that opens their pie hole sorry they ever open their mouth about politics.

They know what they are doing, do you?

Posted by Vanderleun at October 30, 2010 9:49 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I know it's not much, but I do have a job, family, etc, occupying a fair amount of my time. So, I try to push on them in ever so small ways.
Way back when "democrats.org" were sponsoring a billboard in FL and were seeking pithy things to say to Rush Limbaugh, I signed up and told them I thought their billboard should exhort Rush to continue exercising his First Amendment rights. Anyhow, this action landed me on their e-mail list, so now I enjoy replying to their fund raising appeals and spamming their inbox with small critiques of their program.
I received a membership solicitation from AARP and sent it back in their postage paid envelope with their "card" scissored into little pieces, and "Hell No" written in bold, black Sharpie on the application. I did something similar when the LA Times sent me a subscription appeal.
In these small ways, I like to think I'm adding a little friction into their machine.

Posted by: stephen at October 31, 2010 8:02 AM

Oh yes Stephen, costing them time to sort out the jabs from the mundane is always worth the time. One person doing it, not so much. Many makes a difference in time and cost.

It lets them know the direct mail is received and then rejected. A 3% return on mail solicitations is considered good stuff; having it cost them 44ยข to get poked in the eye, Priceless!

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at October 31, 2010 9:03 AM

I have converted a 22 year old girl at work. It took three years, but will last a lifetime. I told her the price for a woman in friends was generally more steep, but she was good with that.

Posted by: james wilson at October 31, 2010 9:39 AM

I "converted" a co-worker without effort because the DOJ made the unintentional "conversion" by doing this:

They went after my co-worker because he was depositing cash from one of his banking accounts to another account. Apparently this is "suspicious" behavior. They then froze his account, and demanded that he give the DOJ 60% of his money before they would drop the "charges." He hadn't been officially charged with anything, was not indicted, nada. It was naked extortion from within the DOJ.

Apparently a higher up in the DOJ must have gotten wind of the scam, and the "investigation" was dropped and his account unfrozen.

I explained to my friend that the DOJ also hired G'tmo terrorist lawyers, and let the New Black Panther Party off the hook, wanted to prosecute American soldiers for fighting the enemy, and wanted to try the 9/11 guys in NYC. Now he sees who they really are

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at October 31, 2010 2:18 PM

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