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September 3, 2010

Treason, Like a Rotting Fish, Moves from the Head Down

Charles Krauthammer - Our distracted commander in chief

"If this is true, then Obama's military leadership can only be called scandalous. During the past week, 22 Americans were killed over a four-day period in Afghanistan. This is not a place about which decisions should be made in order to placate members of Congress, pass health care and thereby maintain a president's political standing. This is a place about which a president should make decisions to best succeed in the military mission he himself has set out. But Obama sees his wartime duties as a threat to his domestic agenda. These wars are a distraction, unwanted interference with his true vocation -- transforming America."

Posted by Vanderleun at September 3, 2010 6:30 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

National decline is a feature not a bug of the liberal operating system.

Posted by: Scott M at September 4, 2010 2:28 AM

Obama has no concept of what to do militarily. He spent his time in the Senate passing legislation that adversely affected our military. He has surrounded himself with leftwing anti-military activists. He doesn't listen to anyone who offers different opinions, she just blows them off or "corrects" them. PLEASE GO VOTE IN NOVEMBER. We may not be able to get enough to overcome presidential veto, but we sure as hell can get enough to start the change this country needs and fully make this walking disaster truly a lameduck president. It's not a matter of "if Obama loses, the Republicans win." If Obama loses, AMERICA WINS...

Posted by: Jason McGeough at September 22, 2010 2:58 AM

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