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September 7, 2010

History regrets to inform liberals that their dreams are as dead as the Dodo

After much premature partying,

we regret to say that The End of History has not come; that the European Union, far from sweeping the world, is fighting for its financial existence. It is our sad duty to inform you that Hope and Change has given way to a fatalistic acceptance that most people will have to keep working till they drop. Richard Trumka writing in AOL says, "This Labor Day, more of our grandparents may be working a cashier's line, waiting tables or preparing lessons for the first day of school." But the consciousness of crisis has not been matched by a willingness to consider liberal solutions as part of the problem. That would be blasphemy. -- Belmont Club » A Wider Broom

Posted by Vanderleun at September 7, 2010 7:32 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Liberals and the Left are shattered. For decades their dream has been to find a nation that will displace the USA as a world power. The Soviet Union, Japan, the EU - all faltered and failed. Now they pin their hopes that China can finally bring the USA down from its perch.

It must happen, it needs to happen. The cocky, exuberant peasant republic must be brought low, the peasants must learn their place, must heed their self-appointed self-annointed betters and come to heel. Honestly - who do these hicks think they are, living their lives without being under the control of some aristocracy? That's unnatural and must end. So Let's Go China! Topple the USA! Tom Friedman and all of the bien pensants in the USA and around the world are depending on you!

And considering the fate of those that have challenged the USA, if I were China I would be very, very nervous.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at September 8, 2010 6:33 AM

Liberals have willfully failed to notice the century of failure and the 100 million dead bodies. What makes anyone think an election will teach them a lesson? They will implement their utopian plan even if, maybe especially if, it kills every one of us and turns the country into barren wasteland.

Posted by: Scott M at September 10, 2010 3:29 AM

What makes anyone think an election will teach them a lesson? They will implement their utopian plan even if, maybe especially if, it kills every one of us and turns the country into barren wasteland.

Nice defeatism you got going there, Scott. Since it is inevitable that the Left/Liberals are going to win (you know they've been saying that for years - they must be right) why don't we just give up right now? Maybe we can even help them burn everything to the ground? what say you?

Personally, I don't buy my enemies' claims that his victory is inevitable when with my own eyes and whithin my own lifetime I've watched his 'inevitableness' (Marx said it was inevitable! So there!) collapse again and again. You want to do that, fine. Include me out though.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at September 10, 2010 7:48 AM

Liberals want to take over the world while conservatives want to be left alone. The Left gets up every day and tries to take over something new. Conservatives get up every day and explain to other conservatives why liberal ideas aren't conservative.

Posted by: Scott M at September 10, 2010 1:44 PM

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