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August 20, 2010

" Like it or not, we are angry people...

... Just look at the things we read and the mean little comments we leave everywhere we go.

It's a little scary. Check your list of daily reads and see how many go a day without commanding the widespread derision of someone, denigrating someone, dismantling someone's beliefs or opinions about something, or taking pleasure in someone "getting his comeuppance." Right now, I am leaving a comment on a piece that I wrote about why an entire religion should be condemned. No matter what Islam has done, that is just plain nasty of me, and unmistakably wrong. Morally wrong. Ethically wrong. It cannot be painted any other way. And yet this sort of thing is the most abundant example of our cultural impetus in the 21st century." -- The Dipso Chronicles: On Responsibility and Ambivalence

Posted by Vanderleun at August 20, 2010 12:09 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Well, I think the entire religion of Islam should be condemned. And I don't feel particularly hateful at the moment.

I don't see any good fruit from that religion.

It is also a lie. Why would I want to see a lie continue to flourish?

Posted by: Marie at August 20, 2010 1:34 PM

@Marie: Amen sister!

Posted by: Cilla Mitchell, Galveston Texas at August 20, 2010 2:21 PM

It appears there are audio tapes that are going to blow the lie about the 'moderate Muslim' Imam Rauf out of the Debris Field Mosque....at Ace of Spades.
The cherry on the whole mess is Rauf defending Bin Laden.

Posted by: Jewel at August 20, 2010 2:59 PM

It is not a matter of "condemning" a religion, although I'll wager that Mr. Dipso Chronicles would have no problem condemning, say, Nazism, in its entire. Since the similarities between much of modern Islam and Nazism have been documented by others, I'll not elaborate here.

At any rate, it's not "morally wrong" to tell the truth about what Islam is about these days. As I posted in 2002, "Islam is what Muslims do," a theme echoed later by Duke Univ.'s Professor Bala Ambati.

But the fact is that Islam is, factually, inherently militaristic, triumphalist and imperialistic.

Islam is supremacist and formally acknowledges no equals, only inferiors. Abdul-Rauf, general manager of the Park41 project, is not in the slightest concerned about the feelings of Americans, of whom about 70 percent oppose this project. What he is concerned about is victory.

War, wrote Clausewitz, is politics continued by violent means. Park51, with its "Cordoba House" mosque included, is the reverse: the continuation of jihad by peaceful means.

How is it "morally wrong" to identify the confluence of violent bin-Ladenism with non-violent Raufism? Bin Laden and Abdul-Rauf share almost precisely the same goals, they differ only in means.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at August 20, 2010 4:59 PM

A Muslim may moderate his behavior by lying--and the Koran encourages him to do so when dealing from a position of weakness, or he may be moderate by being undevout, which is punishable by death. So you get lying Muslims and Jack Muslims, but you cannot make a Muslim fit for civilization any more than a Marxist is.
We were losing our grip on that long before the Marxist let the Muslim under the tent. Losing liberty is easy, perhaps more natural than keeping it. The Marxist is far more dangerous, because he is far more intelligent and clever.

Posted by: james wilson at August 20, 2010 7:13 PM

If you can't work up any negative emotions about a group of people sworn to kill you, there's not much more to say.

Posted by: Kate Rafferty at August 21, 2010 3:20 PM

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