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June 12, 2010

An Old Sermon Story

An angel awoke who had slept through the first two centuries after Jesus had gone down to earth and ascended back to heaven. The angel went to the Lord and asked, “Where did you go?”

Jesus replied, “I've been down on earth.”

The angel asked, "How did it go?"

Jesus said, "They crucified me."

The angel protested, "You must have had a wide influence."

Jesus said, "I had twelve followers, and one betrayed me to my death."

The angel asked, "What will become of your work?"

Jesus said, "I left it in the hands of my friends."

"And if they fail?" asked the angel.

Jesus said, "I have no other plans."

via Sense of Events: The pivot day of history

Posted by Vanderleun at June 12, 2010 11:10 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Actually, the center intersection of the Venn diagram should read, "Those who slept through the whole thing."

Reminds me of the Baptist deacon who dozed through the sermon. The preacher saw it and at the close of the sermon grandly announced, "Deacon Smith will now lead us in prayer!"

Deacon Smith jerked awake with a start and still half asleep, said loudly, "It ain't my lead! I just dealt!"

Posted by: Donald Sensing at June 12, 2010 1:02 PM

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