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March 3, 2010

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

Far from despising the poor beleaguered man,
who is being abandoned by more and more of his supporters every day, and now risks being turned on by the previously adoring mainstream media, the way they turned on Tiger Woods, I am beginning to adore Obama. I can't think of any American since Ronald Reagan who has done so much to advance the cause of conservatism. -- David Warren

Posted by Vanderleun at March 3, 2010 1:44 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

That is the bright side. The problem is that he has 3 more years in which to work his magic. Even if the Rs win veto proof majorities in both houses, he can still do a lot of damage.

Here is an illustration:

"... Russia’s heel-dragging approach to the “New START” arms-control talks. “Sources in and out of the [Obama] administration are saying Russia may not feel it needs to sign a new agreement soon,” ...

"What’s driving Russia’s lack of urgency about a new arms-control treaty is Obama’s determination to reduce our nuclear arsenal unilaterally. The Russians have no reason to sweat out a treaty agreement that’s binding on them if they’re going to get effective U.S. commitments without one."

Peace in Our Time: Hope as a Method

Posted by: Fat Man at March 3, 2010 3:08 PM

Never trust the drug-addled son of a communist Kenyan goat farmer.

Posted by: Blastineau at March 3, 2010 3:48 PM

Never trust the drug-addled son of a communist Kenyan goat farmer.

We would have to worry about that, if we did not have so damn many drug-addled voters.

Posted by: sherlock at March 6, 2010 9:34 AM

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