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February 2, 2010

Tebow's Super Bowl ad isn't intolerant; its critics are

Pam Tebow and her son feel good enough about that choice to want to tell people about it.
Only, NOW says they shouldn't be allowed to. Apparently NOW feels this commercial is an inappropriate message for America to see for 30 seconds, but women in bikinis selling beer is the right one. I would like to meet the genius at NOW who made that decision. On second thought, no, I wouldn't....Tebow's ad, by the way, never mentions abortion; like the player himself, it's apparently soft-spoken. It simply has the theme "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life." This is what NOW has labeled "extraordinarily offensive and demeaning." But if there is any demeaning here, it's coming from NOW, via the suggestion that these aren't real questions, and that we as a Super Bowl audience are too stupid or too disinterested to handle them on game day. -- Sally Jenkins - washingtonpost.com

Posted by Vanderleun at February 2, 2010 7:46 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

In WaPo? Wow. Is she gonna catch trouble, or what?

Posted by: Fat Man at February 2, 2010 8:46 PM

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