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February 5, 2010


Every parent's nightmare:

"Sound hurts your skin when your child's gone missing. Heightened senses cause every whisper to grate, the slightest aroma becomes nauseating, appetite is a remnant of some past life and the simple act of breathing becomes an ache of hard work. Sleep cannot happen, missing an hour on watch would be an unforgivable sin. You feel like the animal you truly are when your child turns up gone, reduced to little more than compulsive pacing or unnatural stillness and nothing, not a single blessed thing, exists except for his face and your need to hold it between your hands...." -- Cat's Cradle ォ Jaded Haven

Posted by Vanderleun at February 5, 2010 2:35 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I can't read the whole thing unless you tell me it turns out okay. Just that paragraph is painful.

I have a friend who's 8-year-old daughter died a couple years ago due to a rare susceptibility to myocarditis triggered by a common stomach flu. Every minute this couple is standing is a triumph. That they're able to smile or laugh at all testifies to the strength of human will and to God's grace.

The torture of losing a child puts water-boarding in perspective.

Posted by: Western Chauvinist at February 5, 2010 5:33 AM

She writes damn well....and it does turn out okay, in a manner of speaking...with a perfect Daphnesque ending!

Posted by: Jewel at February 5, 2010 6:39 AM

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