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February 4, 2010

Best Picture: Nonexistent Congressional District 9

"Shouldn’t that read cremated or shaved?"

Nonexistent Congressional District 9 is a dark comedy
about an incompetent liberal progressive government that claims to have funneled $6.4 billion in stimulus money to 440 congressional districts, which creates or saves 30,000 jobs. Hi-jinks ensue when it is discovered that the districts don't exist. It's a great movie although the concept is difficult to believe, America would never elect such idiots -- Imaksim [HT: iowntheworld ]

Posted by Vanderleun at February 4, 2010 5:30 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I wonder if anyone ever checked to see if these funds weren't actually misappropriated, thinking that nobody would notice?

Posted by: Roger Drew Williams at February 5, 2010 6:17 PM

The sense is (or lack thereof) is in root cause alanysis. The latest Middle East action is a result of food costs becoming unaffordable to the lower and lower middle classes (and not the MSM desire for democracy' claim.) They blamed their increasing food costs on their governments and thus, finally were driven to act. Unfortunately, their food costs were actually being government subsidized, but at too low/fixed a level to account for the rapid increase in food prices. So, even with all the change' over there, the root cause still exists: no industry, no jobs, no education, no property rights, no individual rights: no money; no hope; no food; Poverty, therefore Anger.Consider in the US that approximately one in seven Americans is on food stamps (over 43 million!!!) How long do you think it would take before we had riots here if that free money for food was not available or couldn't keep up with the food inflation rate?

Posted by: Ahmed at July 15, 2012 2:23 AM

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