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October 11, 2009

Life on the Line continues...

When she is off the radio I announce,
"All the big pieces are still there." She smiles at my poor attempt at early morning humor, then asks me who is going to be flying... "You of course," I say. She is such a smooth pilot, in fact maybe the best I have ever flown with at this airline, that I always try to shove the flying to the right side of the flight deck when we work together, which is often. Yeah, I have more experience and possess a "been there, done that" gray hair factor, but she is a better stick. Her Dad was a well known and respected pilot, too. It must be genetics. -- Flight Level 390: Why Am I Dressed this Way?

Posted by Vanderleun at October 11, 2009 6:46 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

(This is re. the Chinese Army marching at KaChing, but I can't comment there so I'll mention it here)

I wonder how many of those lovelies are actually Chinese? I find it hilarious that in all of China, they couldn't find enough beautiful women so they had to ask tiny Singapore instead.

Posted by: Julie at October 12, 2009 8:38 AM

Looks good. One thing though, I culntrery keep my Go Card (QLD public transport RFID card) in my iPhone case sandwiched between the case and the phone, and tap on and off buses with the phone.Would you still have room to so that with the iCarte, and do you think the 2 systems would interfere with each other, like the people who have a dozen RFID cards in their wallet and when they try to touch on, the card reader goes bezerk?

Posted by: Shadikku at July 13, 2012 1:20 PM

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