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October 21, 2009

Do It for the Spiders of Madagascar

You have no hearts.
I, for one, am extremely concerned for these least of Gaia's children. They, too deserve their niche in the great biosphere, and should not have that niche destroyed by right wing fundamentalist capitalist republican war mongers just so they can build another bunch of 7-11's, and McDonald's on Madagascar. We should all sacrifice what we can- drink less water maybe, or perhaps turn off the lights a little earlier, drive a little less, stop smoking, and don't eat any more meat. If we all make do with just a little less we can save the spiders of Madagascar. The good karma alone would make it worthwhile. Comment on Side-Lines: Endangered in Madagascar? If this shows up in my house I'll show you "endangered."

Posted by Vanderleun at October 21, 2009 4:42 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

So I say to commenter JWM, "Hey Lama, I've gone with less this year. Less money. Less hope for the future. How's about a little something, you know, for the effort". And commenter JWM says "There won't be any money, or hope, but when you die, on your death bed, you will recieve good Karma". So I got that goin' for me. Which is nice.

Posted by: westsoundmodern at October 21, 2009 5:14 PM

This made my day.


Posted by: jwm at October 22, 2009 4:55 PM

These Maltings were designed and buily to pfreorm a specific task. They were ideal for their time, and made money for their owners. They are now redundant. Full photographic records should be made of their unique features. A sample building should be preserved in a location of high population density. The balance should be removed and the sites redeveloped. They are generally not suited for accomodation or retail use.

Posted by: Rajendra at July 13, 2012 7:44 AM

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