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August 13, 2009

Tweeting While Tehran Burns
Looking back on it, it's hard to understand how the recent Iranian revolution failed. Sure, the mullahs had guns, tanks, an air force, police, the Revolutionary Guard, the Basij, and imported terrorist thugs on their side. But the Iranian protestors had Twitter. Who could have predicted that an authoritarian regime, in control of its military and willing to spill blood, would triumph over the power of social networking? It is no criticism of the Iranian dissidents to note that in the West there was a wave of absurd, and disquieting, Twitter triumphalism connected with Iran's June post-election protests. And the praise of Twitter was, like Twitter itself, more about narcissism than sympathy with Iran.

Posted by Vanderleun at August 13, 2009 6:34 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The protesters represented a narrow social class in one city. They did not have broad support in other classes, especially the military, and in other cities. It was just a smaller, kinder version of Tianamen Sq.

Even if they had won, the Iranian bomb project (which has very wide support) would have proceeded to completion. Whether it would be used against Israel is another question.

Posted by: Bob Sykes at August 14, 2009 5:10 AM

Lets get out the vote for mayor of Revere. Vote early and vote often!

Posted by: mayor of Revere at May 13, 2011 5:17 AM

Well I have a lot to say, mostly about Women who are over the age of 60, wediwod or divorced and live on an income of $8,000.00a year and live along. My issues are many, however I want to speak out aboutthe Dental Health Issues . Medicaid pays for a Patient who needs a Scooter (cost about$6,000.00 give or take a little) to get around in, Home Health, COPD, andDiabetic's supplies needed to check a Patiens own bloodsugar levels.Medicaid pays for Dental Health Services for Infants and Peopleup to the age of 21 years old.But Medicaid refuses to pay for Dental problems, which is thecause of near fatal infections in the body, left unattended forlong periods of time.Every Doctor knows that good Dental Health is Key a Personsgood health. So why would Medicaid refuse to pay for Dental Services like a Root Canal for instance? This Dental conditionis very painful, and along with all the other disiblites theseelderly Patients suffer, Medicaid refuses to pay for a Root Canal,saying It's not an emergency. It will become an emergencywhen this Root Canal goes with out surgery and causes infectionto get into the Patient's blood stream and become more of a healthissue. Medicaid would end up paying thousands of dollars morewhen the Patient ends up in sugery, or dies because MedicaidRefuses to pay the high Cost of what Dentist are allowed to Charge. Doctor's and Dentist, Hospitals, ect..can Charge a Patient as much as they want and the Goverment will not put a cap onwhat they can charge Helpless Women .Who are 60 and over,living in Proverty with no Health Care on Dental Health in Sight as far as The Goverment and Congressman/women are concerned.This is nonesense and should be addressed as if it were Cancer being treated or any other health or disablities, such as Physical Therapy, ect .are covered.I am very disappointed in Congress, State Medicaid and theGoverment who can give money to Banks and Car Dealershipsbut can't put a cap on what Dentist charge People who areElderly and have no Insurance or Money, to pay their Fee.I feel that it's a total and intentional overlook of the Goverment toIgnore this Dental Issue!!!!Thanks for allowing me to speak out!Kathryn McCroskey

Posted by: Archana at July 13, 2012 3:43 AM

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