January 25, 2006

First Drafts of the Apocalypse


SOME GANG HAD PACKED UP most of the tall aluminum light posts in Seattle, laid them out lengthwise, and were carrying them through the streets on dog-drawn wagons. Now why do you suppose they did that?

Oil? No.

Gunpowder? Yes.

Cannon barrels. The tall standing posts were smooth and hollow and made excellent cannon barrels.

The police had fled. They lived in the suburbs and they had their own families to take care of.

Things weren't that bad during the first few weeks because lots of families had supplies in the basements. Beans, baby-wipes, bottled water. The free-for-alls at the grocery stores during those first few days were amazing, predictable. What you'd expect. The strong do sometimes survive. Fights over cereal and parking lots filled with bodies, dead.

Gangs, naturally came out in muscle, and there was no getting around them. You worked with them or they killed you. Things got real simple real fast.

It was some flubbed government attempt to isolate the Pacific Northwest which, it turns out, wasn't that valuable after all. The Air Force flew off and the Navy sailed away. Bigger flying fish to fry. It was triage. Some wise FEMA director figured we could take care of ourselves.

Well, here is the record of one south Seattle community and how it "took care of itself."

Kenny was a drug baby, now 12, with slurred speech and a useless right arm. None of the gangs touched him. You did not mess with Kenny. Kenny kept it all together.

Kenny became the messenger between the gangs, the hapless rich on the hill above the lake, the basement bourgeoisie, and the heavily armed Muslim contingent at Holly Park.

Kenny's foster dad, Kelly, said, "You don't go to an island to hide out."

Sure enough, the rich Seattleites who fled to their second homes on Whidbey Island right after the bomb, thinking to wait it out in luxury, were now as living as bleached bison skulls of the Mojave.

"Don't go to an island to hide out," Kelly repeated. "Your enemies might take control of the exits, and then where are you? You can't escape. You are their bitch. Even your bitch is their bitch. And that's a bitch, right?"

Kelly, by the way, was in fine fettle since he had been predicting apocalyptic civic disasters since he came back from Vietnam on 100% disability. Now Kelly was in his element-- canned goods and ammo. He had a lot of ammo. Most of it homemade.

"Homemade bullets, just like Grandma used to make," Kelly would say as he cranked down on the jacket press of his machine, now set up at the kitchen dining table.

from When the Moon Was Hollow: A Novel of the First Terrorist War. Posted in Comments on Fish. Barrel. Bang: Taking Bin-Laden at His Word by DAS of SUNBREAK CITY

Posted by Vanderleun at January 25, 2006 9:46 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Chaos and it's predictable consequences. I am afraid that there are at least one or two horsemen on the far horizon; what we can do to turn them remains to be seen.

Dan Patterson

Posted by: Dan Patterson at April 26, 2006 5:45 AM

Thanks Gerard; your essay was an inspiration.

Posted by: Das at April 26, 2006 8:06 AM

Somehow I don't think those streetlight cannon barrels are going to last beyond one firing. I wouldn't be standing anywhere near them in any case.

Sorry--I know this post is more about the forest, yet I can't help but see the trees.

Posted by: Dar at April 26, 2006 9:03 AM

Reminds me of an earlier draft heard through bongwater soaked headphones in 1973..... Mmmmmm, flashbacks.....

And in the death,
As the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimy thoroughfare...
Red mutant eyes gaze down on Hunger City...
And ten thousand peoploids split into small tribes,
Coveting the highest of the sterile skyscrapers.
The year of the diamond dog.
This ain't rock and roll, its genocide!

Posted by: Gagdad Bob at April 26, 2006 9:50 AM