December 20, 2016

On Donations


In the last couple of months my readers have been especially generous with donations for which I am deeply grateful. I am always pleased to receive them but of late they have been especially helpful.

The last time that I expressly asked for donations I was stunned by the response. It was right after I had relocated from Seattle to Paradise, California, and was a chaotic time of unpacking and sorting. Unfortunately I had elected to thank everyone personally with a handwritten, stamped and mailed note. After I had finished over two hundred of these notes the shopping bag in which I had placed them for mailing at the Paradise Post Office was mistakenly put into my recycling trash bin and taken away to the local landfill before I knew about it. The bag also contained all original envelopes and addresses in a folder and those were gone as well. Hence, to my chagrin, I was unable to replicate the effort.

Since then I have relied on PayPal and a mail forwarding service in Seattle to handle donations. This has worked well for a couple of years but evidently this is not longer the case. This morning I received an email from a kind soul who informs me that she received a cash donation for me since she now holds the box number I held. As a result I have to assume that other donations to the mailing service have also gone astray. I apologize if you have sent a donation to that address and failed to receive a thank-you note from me.

To address this I have stopped the Seattle service and am now using a local address here in Paradise, California to handle this. This new address is at the top of the sidebar.

Again I wish to thank all those who donate to this nearly 14 year old project and to apologize to any who have not been properly thanked. Life’s been a bit hectic of late.

To paraphrase Tiny Tim, “God Bless you all, everyone.”

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 20, 2016 2:50 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

I thank you, Gerard. Every day I come to American Digest and discover wonderful things that enlighten or amuse or provoke thought or gratitude for this fascinating world. American Digest invariably contains a new jewel, a new delight, always different, always pleasing in some way. Your work here is all the thanks I could ever want for my meager donations. Thanks, and Merry Christmas!

Posted by: Milo Galt at December 20, 2016 5:14 PM

What he said.

Posted by: Morgan K Freeberg at December 22, 2016 9:34 AM