January 28, 2006

ONE LINE FROM ShrinkWrapped: Defining Terms: The Left -- "Demanding perfection of ourselves, while excusing the worst excesses of others, is functionally anti-American." --should be reason enough to read the rest.

ROCKIN' THE FED: Every Breath You Take Now playing the music video least likely to get into heavy rotation at MTV: "Columbia Business School's Dean Glenn Hubbard sings about wanting Alan Greenspan's job that went instead to New Fed Chair Ben Bernanke."


It's Just a Plant
""What's that, Mommy?" asked Jackie. "Are you and Daddy smoking a cigarette?"
"No, baby," said her mother. "This is a joint. It's made of marijuana."
"Mar-a-whahh?" asked Jackie, sleepily.
"Marijuana," smiled her dad, "is a plant."
"What kind of plant?"
"Well..." said her mom, "how about we go on a bicycle ride tomorrow, and I will tell you all about it. Okay?"
"Okay," said Jackie."
-- HT: Done With Mirrors

THE UNITED NATIONS DISARMAMENT COMMISSION OPENS CURRENT SESSION "In other business, the following delegations were elected as Vice-chairpersons [ of the Disarmament Commission], by acclamation:� Chile, Uruguay and Iran."

Who says this institution doesn't have a deep and abiding sense of humor?

SPEAKING OF WHICH: The Lonely Wives of Mexico Club (with opportunities to purchase the products of "the jewelry-making arts.")
[HT: Riehl World View]

Posted by Vanderleun at January 28, 2006 8:49 AM
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