October 1, 2004

That Magic Menu @ "MEAT SHAKE"


MEAT SHAKE®, the franchise that takes the Atkins Diet up to levels previously undreamed of, has developed a line of

Celeb Specialty Shakes

Ricky's "Liver La Vida Loca" Shake
(Liver, Anchoivies, Avocados, Salsa)
Lars' "Mutton Else Matters" Shake
(Lamb, Cabbage, Tomatos, Honey Mustard)
Mel & Arnold's "Use the Schwartz" Shake
(Austrian Brautwurst, Sauerkraut, Creatine)
P.B. Wolf 's "Who Remixed Roger Rabbit?" Shake
(Welsh Rabbit, Mixed Greens, Carrots, Vinagerette)
Danny A's "Old-School Bassomatic" Shake
(Whole Uncooked Bass, Chocolate Chips, Vanilla Soft Serve)
Henson's "It Ain't Easy Being Green" Shake
(Boneless Frog Legs, Butter, Fresh Mint)

You may be revolted by these culinary disasters. You may be outraged at this proof the United States has "WAY TOO MUCH FOOD®". You may prefer to have your meatshakes in the privacy of your own home with kittens and blenders. You may even think ever so slightly that the whole MEAT SHAKE® frenzy has the whiff of a hoax about it....

I know. I think these un-American thoughts too.

My shame is that I actually know close friends who would, given the opportunity, not only patronize MEAT SHAKE®, but seek to buy a franchise.

Posted by Vanderleun at October 1, 2004 7:51 AM
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Wow! It's one of my favorite cartoons come true! (Items 9, 10, and 11 on the list - enjoy!)

Posted by: ccwbass at October 1, 2004 10:52 AM

It is a hoax. The site is part of a promotional campaign by rap group Ugly Duckling. Ugly Duckling released a CD called Taste The Secret. Taste The Secret contains mentions of MeatShake.

Posted by: Cal Ulmann at October 5, 2004 8:18 AM

VNCdpi sclaeeohzxky, [url=http://orwedvkabnfo.com/]orwedvkabnfo[/url], [link=http://ktjtgrreakwy.com/]ktjtgrreakwy[/link], http://bilkozkuullc.com/

Posted by: uexlmg at August 3, 2009 8:14 PM