June 2, 2005


The Kevin Roderick says, "Guests at Wednesday night's fundraiser for Sen. Hillary Clinton at the Hollywood Hills home of producer Roland Emmerich are being warned not to speak with any reporters. It's part of their written instructions."

The P.J. O'Rourke says, "I suggest a Celebrity Tax with a low-end base rate of, mmm, 100 percent.... Given the modest talent of current celebrities and the immodest example they set for impressionable youth, we'll call it a 'Value Subtracted Tax.' "

The Lawrence Auster says, "In resurgent Islam the liberal West has met its fate. Islam is a non-Western religion set on conquering and converting non-Muslims, while liberalism is a Western ideology set on tolerating and including non-Westerners. They are predators, we are prey."

The Ace says, "Europe is running out of choices faster than Alec Baldwin is running out of job-offers in which he doesn't play comic foil to a six foot tall talking cat."

The Final Historian says, "We are entering a new era, one in which I see (and call) the internationalization of the local. Globalization has brought us together, too close in fact, it has joined us before we are ready, and so this century will be, like the one before, one of conflict."

The Victor Hanson says, "Don't watch American movies. Admonish not us, but your own leaders to get out of NATO, pronto — the faster the better. Deny entry to all American troops — and tourists. Embrace the EU. It's bigger and more populous than the U.S. Create an all-EU defense force. Go for it all!"

The Manolo says, perhaps this would look enticing after many months at sea.

The Michael Blowhard says, "Computers have vaporized the stable old world of reading and text. Now everything's a jumble. Color's all over the place, visuals have overwhelmed text, and impact has become more important than making sense in a traditional way."

The Terry Teachout says, "the common culture of widely shared values and knowledge that once helped to unite Americans of all creeds, colors, and classes no longer exists. In its place, we now have a "balkanized" group of subcultures whose members pursue their separate, unshared interests in an unprecedented variety of ways."

The Jeff Goldstein says, "Those who lack the backbone and fortitude to stick to their guns against a minority power play cynically designed to brand highly qualified judicial nominees as "extremists" are precisely those who will then write letters to The Washington Post attempting to dismiss their critics as a fringe nest of hard-right social conservatives."

The Kim du Toit says, "Finally, we find the manifestation of traitors in those who espouse causes other than (small "r") republican ones: those who call themselves "progressives", "socialists", "communitarians", "populists", "globalists", and so on. "

But The Francis Porretto says, "Yes, there are traitors, and advocates of treason, within our walls.... But the threat they pose our society arises not merely from the obscenities they propose, but also from the temptation we face to abridge our freedom just to be rid of them."

The Bob Felton says, "... it turns out that Deep Throat was W. Mark Felt, then second-in-command at the FBI and a frustrated job-seeker who apparently wanted to settle a grudge with Nixon for bypassing him when it was time to select a Director to replace J. Edgar Hoover. Certainly, he was no idealist, alarmed by Nixon's excesses; he was just another bureaucrat doing the Washington thing."

The Voyager 1 says, "[I have] gone through a region known as termination shock, some 8.7 billion miles from the Sun, and entered an area called the heliosheath."

The Radical Centrist says, "Only in the comic books do the bad-guys choose costumes that advertise their evil. In this world bad people are more likely to appear wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. Elsewhere the blue helmets of the UN are a popular disguise."

The Ankle Biting Pundits say, "Is it any wonder that Howard Dean is an abysmal failure at fund raising?"

The Eric Cowperthwaite says, "I realize service to a cause greater than oneself is generally considered passe in this day and age, but it was my ultimate motivator."

The Cathy Seipp says, "What is it with these aging baby boomers who still help their high-school kids out of schoolwork jams and generally continue to treat them like helpless baby birds? "

The Anchoress says, "The Holy Spirit is never static, she is ever at work, ever on the move."

Posted by Vanderleun at June 2, 2005 10:28 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Ms. Seipp would be happy to know that I not only made my 10-year old son type his own report last night, but load and unload the dishwasher as well.

And that was all before the foot massage. (OK, I didn't get the foot massage, but one lives in hope.)

Posted by: Mrs. VdL at June 2, 2005 4:38 PM

Nice set of links. The Anchoress post was especially interesting. Like her, I have noticed a strange stirring.

Something is afoot.

Posted by: Bleeding Brain at June 2, 2005 10:36 PM

The Anchoress' blog is truly amazing. Thanks for the link.

Posted by: Jon Connor at June 3, 2005 3:56 AM

Thanks for the link Gerard. I hope to flesh out my statement when I get some time.

What the Anchoress talks about is indeed fascinating. She seems to be describing the possible emergence of the Fourth Great Awakening.

Posted by: Final Historian at June 3, 2005 1:50 PM

Oh, I think the Fourth Great Awakening has been with us for some time. Perhaps it is merely approaching critical mass. (No pun intended.)

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at June 3, 2005 3:49 PM