March 25, 2008

Selected Shorts

mcgovern.jpg"Receive my warm greetings, as always, from Washington!"

A military strike three weeks ago killed Reyes, No. 2 in command of the FARC, Colombia's most notorious terrorist group. The Reyes hard drive reveals an ardent effort to do business directly with the FARC by Congressman James McGovern (D., Mass.), a leading opponent of the free-trade deal. Mr. McGovern has been working with an American go-between, who has been offering the rebels help in undermining Colombia's elected and popular government. - A FARC Fan's Notes -
[Ed: "Tell me again why traitors like McGovern are in Congress?" "I don't know. Democrat Party affiliation?" ]

Born to Mow:
"The grass was always hay when I came. Each blade a tree in a miniature forest. I'd get out the rusty push mower and meditate over the swish swish swish of the blades. The daylilies would sway like languorous hula dancers in the sea breeze and you'd dance the rigid right-angle minuet of the landscaper beside them. After you cut the grass it looked like a bald man's crew cut. It's all sand anyway." - Sippican Cottage: Three-Quarter Cape

"Poverty just is.
It doesn't become an actual force until the left takes over and begins to magically "create poverty" with bad ideas.... Thus, the first law of wealth is "get off your ass." The second is "get the government off your ass." - One Cosmos: Cosmic Forces and Terrestrial Farces

The greatest passage in history:
"Wil Shipley, a Seattle software developer, uses his iPhone at the Whole Foods fish counter to check websites for updates on which seafood is the most environmentally correct to purchase. He quizzes the staff on where and how a fish was caught. Because he carries the Internet with him, "€œI can be super-picky," he said. -- White People in the News March 25 @ Stuff White People Like
[Ed: "What's that Seattle dude's address. I'm going to find him and bitchslap him stupider with a salmon." "Stupider? Not possible." "I know, I know, but I want to see him run like a girl."] Posted by Vanderleun at March 25, 2008 10:26 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

I regard the existence of whole foods as proof that there are way too many people with more dollars than sense in this country.

Take a bag of onions and put a sign on them saying they are organic and whole foods can jack up the price 20%. With that kind of money floating around somebody is getting rich and it is not the people buying food at whole foods.

"and you believed them"

Posted by: Fat Man at March 25, 2008 10:09 PM