August 10, 2008

Russian Invasion of Georgia: Best Topic and Discussion in the Sphere

It's a mistake to think that somehow people will wake up after this. All through the Cold War, despite everything, the wire, the Gulags, the invasions, the enslavement of millions, there was never a shortage of people in the West who were willing to offer up their throats to the knife. - Wretchard

To keep abreast of good information and clear strategic thinking, set your browsers to The Belmont Club'sWho's winning Georgia Part 2

This post will try to continue gathering information on events in Georgia as they develop. The most important development is that the Georgians have been driven from Tskhinvali, though it is not clear whether they have given up all positions on the surrounding high ground. Tskhinvali is the "cork in the bottle:leading from the Caucasus passes to the long plain that runs west to east across Georgia. Sky News now says the Georgians are falling back on Gori, which is the key to keeping Georgia intact. If Gori falls, Georgia will be cut in half with Tbilisi to the east and the Black Sea ports to the West. On the map at least, the battle for Gori will be the battle for Georgia.
Not just the post is important but the information and analysis that occurs in the comments. If you've been off the planet for the last three days, this topic will get you up to speed.

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Posted by Vanderleun at August 10, 2008 9:43 PM | TrackBack
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