February 3, 2011

Patton and the "Modern World"

In uncertain times, certain things bear repeating.

"I want you to remember that this War on Terror, as well as our presence in the Middle East, is necessary and inevitable. To those who can’t understand that, they need to spend more time on the History Channel and less time in the Goddamn chat rooms."

Mike Kaminski wrote and acted this brilliant variation on George C. Scott's signature role.

At ease.

I want you to remember that this War on Terror, as well as our presence in the Middle East, is necessary and inevitable. To those who can’t understand that, they need to spend more time on the History Channel and less time in the Goddamn chat rooms.

In this time of nuclear weaponry, we cannot afford to wait for the fight to come to us. You need to understand that. This political correctness stuff’s a buncha crap! This generation is so Goddamn spoiled and lazy, they wouldn’t know a real threat to their freedom until it interrupted the power source to their Xbox and killed a half a million people! “The complacency of fools will destroy them.” That’s written in the Bible.

My God, I really wonder where we’d be today if some of our current members of Congress were presiding during World War II. I think we’d all be speaking German right now, and the world would have a serious shortage of Jews. These people like Harry Reid. That son of a bitch is like a man in combat who won’t provide you the cover fire you asked for so you end up getting your Goddamn head blown off! People like him don’t know anything more about the process of defending modern freedom than they do about fornicating.

Now. All this stuff you’ve heard about America not wanting to fight, wanting to pull out of Iraq, is a lot of horse dung. Americans, traditionally, will protect their freedom. All real Americans love a good fight. When you were kids, you all admired the champion football player, the fastest gamer, the greatest superhero, the toughest boxer. Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. I don’t give a hoot in Hell if you’re a Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Buddhist. If you intend to take up arms to harm America or Americans, you will lose.

Now we have the best equipment, facilities, the most technologically advanced weaponry in the world. And you can be thankful of that. Without it, there’d be a Hell of a lot more dead.

Now I say to the Iraqi citizens that if you know of people planning insurgency, stop them! If you see or hear about someone planning a roadside bomb, stop them! Shoot those bastards in the guts! Report their activities! That is the only way to build a truly great nation. The people must get involved and take it back, just as Americans did against the British in the 1700s. Being free is part of every religion, but a lack of freedom, and misguided education, can create enormous setbacks.

In 1939 when the British ally Poland was attacked and occupied by Germany, do you know that that small island of Britain had the balls and fortitude to declare war on those Nazi bastards? While we did nothing. We didn’t want to get involved, we said. How dare we not learn from such things!

This is not a God damn video game! This is a modern fight for freedom, and security of this nation and the world.

Now the current leader in Iran has made it very clear that he wants to destroy America, and threatens a second Holocaust against the Jews. And this leader is obtaining nuclear technology right under our noses. The difference between him and Hitler, is that Hitler built up his war machine in secrecy. How stupid and ignorant should we be? If Hitler would have had nuclear weapons, he’d have used ‘em. If Japan would have had them, they’d have used ‘em. You had all better wake up. If it were up to me, we’d already be in Iran, and their leader would be one dead son of a bitch!

Full Text:

After World War II there was a plaque laid in Germany which reads:”Never again fascism”. How dare you forget and allow it again! You all know the old saying, “History repeats itself.” Well. Here we are.

Now there’s another thing I want you to remember. I don’t want to get anymore messages saying that we need to pull out Iraq. We’re not pulling out of anything. Let the enemy do that. We are advancing constantly and we’re not interested in pulling out of anything except a parking lot.

Now. There’s one thing that you men and women will be able to say when you get back home, and you may thank God for it. Twenty years from now, when you’re sitting around your family with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you what did you do in the Great War on Terror, you won’t have to say, “Well, I listened to far left bullshit, sat on my ass, and was more concerned with American Idol than I was about American security and freedom.”

All right, now you sons of bitches and women, you know how I feel. I would be proud to lead you wonderful people into battle. Anytime. Anywhere.

That’s all.

HT: iOtW

Posted by Vanderleun at February 3, 2011 5:17 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

We could do with a few more Mike Kaminskis in the world.

Posted by: at February 3, 2011 8:54 PM

Patton would have been a conundrum in our present military.

Posted by: Cilla Mitchell, Galveston Texas at February 4, 2011 5:12 AM

Fine words; but completely empty and sadly anachronistic while the current C-in-C remains in office.

Posted by: Frank P at February 4, 2011 7:24 AM

Not so, Frank. There are men and women who are standing up and sounding a clarion call. They are getting elected. Allen West is one man, and there are more. It might not be the case of our current president, but as long as there are brave men and women who will say the hard and stand by their words, there is hope. My beef, and only complaint about this video is the use of the War on Terror. It should never have been called that. PC kills. It is a war with the Mohamedans. With Islam.
We may be secular in our intents and purposes, but they aren't. We should start naming things for what they are.

Posted by: Jewel at February 4, 2011 8:02 AM

Agree with all you say except the first two words.
I was indeed confining my criticism to the current C-in-C and the cabal of the left that pulls his strings. George C's words would certainly fall on stony ground there, as recent history shows. I look forward to his departure. Whether that is in two years or six will determine whether we stand or fall against Islam.

Posted by: Frank P at February 4, 2011 8:28 AM

Let me emend that last statement, then, Frank!

Very much so, Frank. And there are men and women who are standing up and sounding a clarion call. They are getting elected. Allen West is one man, and there are more. It might not be the case of our current president, but as long as there are brave men and women who will say the hard and stand by their words, there is hope. My beef, and only complaint about this video is the use of the War on Terror. It should never have been called that. PC kills. It is a war with the Mohamedans. With Islam.
We may be secular in our intents and purposes, but they aren't. We should start naming things for what they are.

Posted by: Jewel at February 4, 2011 9:42 AM

I left the liberal mindset and the Democratic Party ages ago because of their hostility towards testosterone.

In my view, one can no longer be a man and also be what passes for a liberal these days.

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at February 4, 2011 10:56 AM

Notice that Congressman West retired as a Lt. Colonel. That was Eisenhower's and Patton's rank at the start of WWII. That is the highest rank in the military before you have to start ass kissing and playing political lovey-dovey with a bunch of ignorant jackasses so you can get your next promotion. FDR, unlike Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barrack Obama had the brains to ask General Marshall and General Pershing, retirees,to identify the ass kissers and find him the fighters to conduct WWII. Had Clinton, Bush, or Obama done that, Congressman West would have at least 3 stars and be in the middle of winning the fight with other rapidly promoted field and junior grade fighters.

Posted by: St. Thor at February 5, 2011 5:55 AM

I think I have a man-crush.

Posted by: Patvann at February 5, 2011 8:57 AM