December 5, 2003

Where Bush Hate is Heading

A minor moron moment making its way on the talk shows today are the new lyrics by Eminem:
"F--k money. I don't rap for dead presidents.
I'd rather see the president dead.
It's never been said,
but I set precedents and the standards
and they can't stand it. ...
We as Americans. Us as a citizen.
We've got to protect ourselves ..."

Even though written to be brain fade of the month, the lyrics encapsulate where Bush Hate is going.

Bush Hate, at the rate of festering intensity currently observable, is headed towards only one singular event: An attempt on the life of George W. Bush by an American citizen.

We've had our fun with the "Extraordinary and Popular Delusions of Crowds Democratic" in the last few days. Nor have others been slow in mapping the decline of the party to the level of Raving Bull Goose Lunacy.

But as we see time and again, words are actions and actions have consquences.

As Americans, we assume that the terrorist enemies of our country would like nothing better than to assassinate the President of the United States. We can only hope that the Secret Service and all those entrusted with his protection have taken extraordinary precautions to protect him and prevent such an event from ever taking place.

Even so, as we have learned several times in my lifetime, no security arrangements are flawless, and while you can protect rationally against rational threats, the game can fall apart when you are dealing with people who are manifestly insane and do not need to live.

We expect our enemies to hate the President and to seek to do him harm. We do not expect members of the loyal opposition to allow their rhetoric and their "cultural standard bearers" such as Eminem ("I set precedents and the standards...") to poison the political system to the level that some of their misguided ilk take it upon themselves to take a shot at Bush "for the sake of the greater good."

Yet Bush hate is leading is to that point. It may be that we get through the next year without seeing the headline: BUSH KILLED. I pray that it is so. At the same time, would you be surprised?

Given the tenor of the tunes being sung by the Democrats, I'd just remember that I read here, today, the lyric: 'I'd rather see the President dead...' done in the name of "We as Americans. Us as a citizen."
UPDATE: Orson Scott Card puts some more grist in this mill with: The Campaign of Hate and Fear

"Watching the primary campaigns among this year's pathetic crop of Democratic candidates, I can't help but think that their campaigns would be vastly improved if they would only rise to the level of "Death to the Republicans."

"Instead, their platforms range from Howard Dean's "Bush is the devil" to everybody else's "I'll make you rich and Bush is quite similar to the devil."

"Since Bush is quite plainly not the devil, one wonders why anyone in the Democratic Party thinks this ploy will play with the general public."

UPDATE 2:Secret Service checks Eminem's 'dead president' lyric - Dec. 6, 2003
"The Secret Service is trying to determine if any action needs to be taken regarding a lyric from rapper Eminem that may be a threat to President Bush....


Posted by Vanderleun at December 5, 2003 5:47 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

You and Saddam Hussein are thinking the same thing. Think about it.

Posted by: seismic at December 5, 2003 6:37 PM

I don't know what Americans call it but in the UK it's called incitement and if it is the Head of State, treason.

Posted by: Peter UK at December 5, 2003 6:47 PM

My sister-in-law is an otherwise responsible psychiatric social worker in San Diego; but when Bush visited San Diego after the fires and one of her patients made mention of the fact, my sister-in-law expressed the hope that his plane crash.

Never mind that lots of other people would be killed if that happened. Never mind that she's saying this to one of her patients - an action that, IMHO, is utterly unprofessional. Never mind any of this stuff: this otherwise sane person is so screwed up in the head that she would dance in the streets if GWB bought the farm: much as other liberals of my acquaintance celebrated when Reagan was shot.

Posted by: Brown Line at December 5, 2003 6:48 PM

Pathological fear of Dick Cheney is also strong on the Left. We should do everything we can to promote it.

Posted by: John Tillinghast at December 5, 2003 6:50 PM

Well, that really is the last straw.

I hope, for the good of the nation, Eminem withdraws from the field of Democratic presidential candidates.

Posted by: SamAm at December 5, 2003 6:57 PM

Speaking of which, doesn't that fall under the 'death of the President every 20 years' silly curse?

Posted by: Klug at December 5, 2003 7:02 PM

As a Poli-Sci Grad Student, rhetoric about the desireability of Bush's death are frequent, and caveats about being left with Cheney are met with jokes about how Cheney is in command anyway. Professors and aspiring scholars seem to have no limit to imagining the current administration as inhumanely evil. Such attitudes enable cultured individuals to contemplate, condone, and even commit attrocites. Anti-Bush, Anti-American, Anti-semetic, Anti-west; the useful idiots of radical islam must be confronted with arguments not acceptance

Posted by: John Troy at December 5, 2003 7:04 PM

Rumor has it there's apparently an Eminem song coming out advocating killing him.

Posted by: lindenlinden at December 5, 2003 7:12 PM

This has little to do with hating Bush and everything to do with Eminem's latest marketing scheme. Kid's a genius at selling records

Posted by: Brian Carnell at December 5, 2003 7:25 PM
I don't know what Americans call it but in the UK it's called incitement and if it is the Head of State, treason.
That's what we used to call it too, back when we were a country of free men and principle.

Then the liberals happened, and nowadays carrying arms openly against your country's soldiers rates a dozen years with an assured book deal at the end.

But the fifth column forgets who has all the guns.

They'll find out.

Posted by: Emperor Misha I at December 5, 2003 7:26 PM

Snipers Wanted

When the president said "we can't love our country and hate our government," remember how many Leftists cried that this was another instance of the crushing of dissent?

Posted by: Anonymous Coward at December 5, 2003 7:30 PM

Treason? What's that? You think mere incitement to kill the President might get called treason?


Joining the Taliban army isn't treason.

Being in our Army and feeding intel to the Syrians isn't either.

I wouldn't be surprised if the lawyer for the assassin claims a First Amendment protection....

Posted by: blaster at December 5, 2003 7:31 PM

They would rather have a murderous dictator in power in Iraq, filling mass graves, buying weapons from places like North Korea where people are starving, maybe lobbing a few missles at Israel, building more palaces for Uday and Qusay, thwarting the UN, and helping the French buy oil at good prices, etc etc.

They'd rather have all that... than a Republican as President.

Posted by: Al Gibson at December 5, 2003 7:34 PM

An attempt on the life of George W. Bush by an American citizen.

Not just American citizens.

I'll tell you, when Bush was in Britain I was dreading someone taking a shot at him and either succeeding, or getting shot by a Secret Service guard. I breathed a sigh of relief when it was over with nothing worse than ugliness plus the final realization that we're alone in the world.

Posted by: jaed at December 5, 2003 7:34 PM

Rumor has it there's apparently an Eminem song coming out advocating killing him.

Posted by: lindenlinden

Wouldn't trust anything Eminem says. In some of his songs he says he wished he wouldn't have rapped but then every other song is just shameless self glorification

Posted by: jimothy at December 5, 2003 7:35 PM

But as we see time and again, words are actions and actions have consquences. Y'know the Free Speech -> Incitement slope is slippery enough without y'all lubin' it up with the KY...

Look folks Eminem has lyrically "killed" his ex wife, his mother, his producer (Dr. Dre... twice) and more that I'm sure I've lost track of. If anyone has necessary context for a parody defense it's him. Good luck making the incitement charge stick.

America has real enemies, including some among us - but the bottle blond potty mouth zillionare known as Eminem doesn't rate as one. Go sue him. Make his day.

Posted by: lewy14 at December 5, 2003 7:38 PM

I just hope the people who hate Bush enough to want to kill him (and are smart enough to figure out how to do it) are also smart enough to realize that when you kill someone who occupies the White House you make a martyr of him and you enable those remaining behind to support the worst of his excesses in his memory. And if they can't figure that out maybe they will at least realize the Cheney will succeed him.

Posted by: jgalt at December 5, 2003 7:53 PM

What makes this fun for me to observe is that some of the same people who so pathologically hate the president also hate Eminem (for his alleged misogyny, homophobia, etc).

The next leftwinger I hear who wishes death on George Bush will hear from me that Eminem thinks the same way - and isn't it always the case that great minds think alike? That will probably make more than a couple of Bush-haters all pissy.

Posted by: Kimberly at December 5, 2003 7:59 PM

Oh, come on. Eminem is nobody's cultural standard bearer. He's a white rapper who's extremely attractive to the kids, and who knows how to market himself well.

These lyrics are making the talk show rounds? Are they more than fodder for talk show hosts? Is there any verification that this is going to be on his next CD?

Posted by: Meryl Yourish at December 5, 2003 8:00 PM

No jgalt, they can't remember that. It would require a mind free of cognitive dissonance. Remember, these are the same people that loudly protest that their voice is being silenced.

Posted by: billhedrick at December 5, 2003 8:01 PM

America's leftwing used to be full of hope and ideas, now they are full of anger and hate. There is a place in the dustbin of history waiting for them.

When the supporters of a particular political philosophy can only hope for the death of their opponent you know that they are in trouble themselves.

Posted by: seismic at December 5, 2003 8:03 PM

The left wing of the chattering class has lost all connection with life and death. Death to them is an abstraction, so it is not a stretch to make it a tool of their desires. They know they will be the ones running down the towers to safety while other (lower) classes run up the towers to their death. They celebrate each allied death as it increases their political power.

Eminem is employed by these people. He exploits their prejudices remarkably well. He is also able to exploit the disaffection of the spoiled, rich, white kids that the chattering class has spawned in such numbers

Posted by: Bob R at December 5, 2003 8:11 PM

I remember when President Kennedy was shot and one of the things everybody was talking about was who and motivation. There was sort of a pause and people were content to let the Justice Department grind out answers and actions. In the case of an attempt or successful asassination of President Bush there will probably be a quite rapid response and there is the possiblilty of a broad vigilante action. Approval rate for Bush is much higher than it was for Kennedy. The probability of the Democrats gaining any seats in the Federal legislature would probably drop to zero over the next eight years

Posted by: toad at December 5, 2003 8:23 PM

True the leftwing is only concerned about acquiring power. Their concern with the workers of the world is purely exploitive - their concern is mainly a vehicle to acquiring more and more power.

They are quite willing to experiment with the masses using whatever theory is currently in vogue - while they are safely in their ivery towers. The disconnect between them and the average American is ever widening - and they don't even care.

Posted by: seismic at December 5, 2003 8:28 PM

Eminem is human trash. Some of 'We as Americans us as a citizen' types own high-powered rifles with scopes . . . and maybe they'd rather see the bastard Eminem dead. One can hope. Sweet dreams, trash.

Posted by: Larry Jordan at December 5, 2003 8:32 PM

FYI, I advocate killing Eminem. On the grounds that a man in his thirties shouldn't carry on speaking like a twelve-year-old.

Posted by: g wiz at December 5, 2003 8:34 PM

The hatred for Bush has managed to accuse him of such crimes against humanity that there is no rational argument against Eminems lyrics. He's simply reacting to that rhetoric. It is a natural and logical progression of the charges that come from the lunatic left. How can they not agree with Eminem? He's calling their hand whether he realizes it or not.

Posted by: bBridges at December 5, 2003 8:42 PM

This whole "lets attack Iraq" thing came out of nowhere when it started. I remember thinking huh? What about Afghanistan?

That said, I do see some nice side benefits to the Iraqis- but not many to us. And at quite a cost to us. Now, am I a liberal? Not a chance. Just a free-thinking Independent. Ctitique me.

Posted by: adam at December 5, 2003 8:58 PM

Firstly, this is a bit of marketing by Eminem. The kid is a marketing genius. He understands, as does Michael Moore, that this is about hitting the target demographic that is snapping up liberal books while being just sophmoric enough to appeal to the 16-20 set.

That said, the left has become a lot more unhinged about Bush than conservatives became about Clinton. I don't know anyone in the Republican Party that advocated that President's assassination (other than your garden variety "Turner Diaries" folk up in the piney woods...). I mean, when the standard fare on left wing boards consists of Prescott Bush's promotion of Adolf Hitler, or when some lefties pine for American dead in order to reduce Bush's chance of reelection, you know that lots of people on the Cargo Cult Left are listening to the voices in their heads.

Posted by: section9 at December 5, 2003 9:05 PM

I don't think that people should misunderestimate the polarization that has been going on in America. There's a LOT of rage between the Left and the Right. It wouldn't take all that much to turn this into a blood feud. If someone from the Left successfully assassinated Bush you can bet that the Right will feel absolutely disenfranchised.

People will kill for any reason imaginable. But they will definitely kill if they feel that they've been wronged. So while this might not result in the death of a Democrat President. It might result in the death of Democrats in Congress.

From there it could only escalate.

Posted by: ed at December 5, 2003 9:16 PM

boom baboomboom yeah boom baboomboom ohyeah

eminem's sayin that Bush should be dead
dude's got rhetoric trash in his head
now I ain't sayin I heard what he said
but the dude's got no business makin no more bread

boom baboomboom yeah boom baboomboom ohyeah
boom baboomboom yeah boom baboomboom ohyeah

he better watch out when he gets out of bed
he might spend the day talkin to the fed
it's a nasty idea he's tryin to spread
nobody better listen to what he just said

boom baboomboom yeah boom baboomboom ohyeah
boom baboomboom yeah boom baboomboom ohyeah...

Posted by: Happy Rappy at December 5, 2003 9:16 PM

Assassination would be a bad strategic move, at least based on the past record:
Lincoln (R) shot 1865, Grant (R) elected 1868, 214-80.
Garfield (R) shot 1881, Cleveland (D) elected 1884, 219-182, though a shift of 1100 votes in New York would have lost him the election. Also, incumbent Arthur (R) chose not to run.
McKinley (R) shot 1901, Roosevelt (R) elected 1904, 336-140 (carrying every Northern state).
Kennedy (D) shot 1963, Johnson (D) elected 1964, 486-52.

Granted, the sample size is small, and historical circumstances were different in each case, but there are plenty of Bush admirers, and Independents and even some Democrats would be moved to see Bush as a martyr and be galvanised to vote a Republican into office, as well as in Congressional elections. For instance, Kennedy was quite reviled in the South, and Goldwater stood a good chance of election, but even though Johnson's intention to enact Civil Rights legislation was widely known, he still carried all but five Southern states and Goldwater's home state of Arizona.

Posted by: Chris at December 5, 2003 9:39 PM

Oh please. The left is all about bitching and moaning and complaining, then sitting back and hope that someone else will fix your problem. Anyone who has their act together enough to kill GWB won't be on the left.

It's not gonna happen. The protestors were the height of the left's power, and it's been going downhill ever since.

Posted by: ErikZ at December 5, 2003 9:40 PM

Wait a minute--are any of us strict textualists reading the lyrics? A good Scalian construction of this song reveals not that Eminem *wants* the President dead. Quite the contrary. He simply doesn't want to be accused of rapping for money. He so despises the "sell-out" label that... that... he'd rather the President be dead, something we can all agree is an undesirable outcome.

Posted by: Justin at December 5, 2003 9:42 PM

Fear of Cheney taking power is the only thing that protects bush. But as we get closer to the election and the more the left realizes it's going to be a landslide, the more likely will reason that they have nothing to lose.
And Cheney could never win the election.

Posted by: Burt at December 5, 2003 9:45 PM

I think what he's saying is that he'd rather see the president dead than just rap for money (aka bills with dead presidents plus a. hamilton) on it. He isn't just doing it for the money.

Posted by: Inscrutable American at December 5, 2003 9:53 PM

Maybe this will all turn out really well: Maybe someone will kill Eminem with a single shot through his filthy mouth and then be caught and convicted of Eminem's first degree murder. It would be a double-barreled lesson not to advocate taking matters into one's own hands.

Posted by: Doug at December 5, 2003 10:00 PM

A separate comment for people who want to talk about whether Eminem's rap is a commercial ploy: That's completely irrelevant. You're just off topic.

Posted by: Doug at December 5, 2003 10:04 PM


if you believe that us helping iraqis acheive freedom that they were unable to gain themselves was unwarranted without some benefit to us, consider this:

the american revolution was won at yorktown, to the surprise of the world. we only won that battle for one reason, we were able to block the british army from leaving the port, and they couldnt get supplies. but the brits had the greaest navy in world... truth is, we never would have won the revolution without the french blockading yorktown. Sure, the french got something out of it, they hurt a regime they disliked, but if iraq-liberation was unjustified, so is the existence of our wonderful country. it may not be possible to save every victim of socialism (saddam was a socialist), but we ought to do it when we can, and we had such an obvious justification for the war (cease fire), as well as a pretty good shot at winning, that it wasnt impossible at all.

i am proud that we helped iraq, japan , germany, france... im proud.

im prouder that we did it at cost, and not as an empire, the truth is, that if we wanted oil we could have had much better deals than the french did. but oil is the issue. saddam had a great deal of power due to that oil, power that mobutu couldnt.

bush, i almost wish he would get assasinated, it might make a martyr out of him, and then i could be sure that our country would be resolute in the war on terror. i guess i see one life as a small price. i just dont know if we could do it without him.

oh well. eminem is no surprise.

Posted by: Dustino at December 5, 2003 10:22 PM


if you believe that us helping iraqis acheive freedom that they were unable to gain themselves was unwarranted without some benefit to us, consider this:

the american revolution was won at yorktown, to the surprise of the world. we only won that battle for one reason, we were able to block the british army from leaving the port, and they couldnt get supplies. but the brits had the greaest navy in world... truth is, we never would have won the revolution without the french blockading yorktown. Sure, the french got something out of it, they hurt a regime they disliked, but if iraq-liberation was unjustified, so is the existence of our wonderful country. it may not be possible to save every victim of socialism (saddam was a socialist), but we ought to do it when we can, and we had such an obvious justification for the war (cease fire), as well as a pretty good shot at winning, that it wasnt impossible at all.

i am proud that we helped iraq, japan , germany, france... im proud.

im prouder that we did it at cost, and not as an empire, the truth is, that if we wanted oil we could have had much better deals than the french did. but oil is the issue. saddam had a great deal of power due to that oil, power that mobutu couldnt.

bush, i almost wish he would get assasinated, it might make a martyr out of him, and then i could be sure that our country would be resolute in the war on terror. i guess i see one life as a small price. i just dont know if we could do it without him.

oh well. eminem is no surprise.

Posted by: Dustino at December 5, 2003 10:22 PM

If someone offs W, his mug will soon enough find its way onto either a coin or folding money. Cold irony indeed that the haters would be forced forevermore to carry around a likeness of their bete noire in their pockets.

Posted by: GrubStreet at December 5, 2003 10:41 PM

And what is really ironic is Eminem is one of those "South Park Republicans" that Andrew Sullivan was writing about.

Posted by: traxblax at December 5, 2003 11:27 PM

And what is really ironic is Eminem is one of those "South Park Republicans" that Andrew Sullivan was writing about.

Posted by: traxblax at December 5, 2003 11:27 PM

oh geeze, take a valium, get a grip, make a nasy crack about clinton, put a cold cloth on your forehead and butch up cupcake.


Posted by: moo at December 6, 2003 12:08 AM

Yeah right Moo.

Has it filtered into your empty little head yet that what Eminem is planning on doing is either a crime or bordering on one?

Don't believe me? Go downtown to main street, and start shouting that you intend to murder Bush.

You see, YOU don't have 'artistic license' protecting your from the consequenses of your actions. Let us know what happens...

Posted by: Ryan Waxx at December 6, 2003 12:35 AM

As if anyone on the left even owns a gun, anyway...

Posted by: Aaron Mishler at December 6, 2003 1:08 AM

Of course they own guns, Aaron... at least their paid bodyguards do.

You see, gun control is for the masses, and the liberal elite do not mistake themselves for the masses.

Posted by: Ryan Waxx at December 6, 2003 1:24 AM

I just re-read the lyrics after a couple of the comments, I think they are right too. He is NOT calling for the death of the POTUS. It's really hard to figure out, I wouldn't want to champion his grammar OR wit. I just don't think my original knee-jerk interpretation holds up.......ok reality is slipping away, I think I just defended a rapper!!!

Posted by: TB StLouis at December 6, 2003 2:20 AM

Reality is slipping away because he's right at the razor's edge of calling for Bush's death.

Its like a reversal of the Emporer's clothes: The distinction is obvious only to lawyers and politically motivated defenders. You yourself admit you had to re-read it and look very carefully.

Nevertheless, that slight, technical distinction would dissappear immediately if a favorite of the left were in the "crosshairs", so to speak. Rather see Jesse Jackson dead? Rather see Tom Dashle dead? Rather see Hillery Clinton dead?

They'd be up in arms. And so their hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.

Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Posted by: Ryan Waxx at December 6, 2003 2:32 AM

Just in time!... I'd say. Was sick a chattering like magpies about that miserable Jacko!
(Gotcha in me crosshairs Ducks!)
Gee! Politics is such sport!

Posted by: CBart at December 6, 2003 3:03 AM

This discussion of assassination is troubling to say the least. I wouldn't wish it on my worst political enemy. I also doubt the Left wants this either. As bad as the politics are in this country at the moment I can't imagine even the worst political enemy of the President advocating assassination. We will have left the bounds of civilization.

Eminem's lyrics are probably protected speech because they don't constitute a threat. It is, however, illegal to threaten the President. That's not protected speech, and rightly so.

Posted by: Robert Prather at December 6, 2003 3:24 AM

Has the Secret Service been informed? They need to pay Eminem a visit. Don't they do that with all reported threats on the President?

Posted by: Dale Skinner at December 6, 2003 3:55 AM

If Michael Moore had rhythm, would he be Eminem?

Posted by: question at December 6, 2003 4:15 AM

If Michael Moore had rhythm, would he be Eminem?

Posted by: question at December 6, 2003 4:15 AM

Then, remind them of all the old military bases that have been closed but are still owned by the government. Tell them that you recently heard about contracts being let for the conversion of those bases into detention facilities.

Posted by: bobby at December 5, 2003 07:30 PM

Hey, Bobby - you forgot to add that the contracts were let to HALLIBURTON!!!!!

Posted by: BushLover at December 6, 2003 4:46 AM

This is nothing new. Over two years ago, a friend of mine who is quite to the left, passive, and non-violent voiced a desire that someone would kill Bush. I have heard others from the left, speaking candidly, express a desire to smell the rotten flesh of Republicans emmanating from the sewers. There are many on the left who are so full of hate that any sense of higher morality was brushed aside long ago. I think their numbers have only swollen in recent years. Hopefully this trend will crest soon and people will come to their senses before something really regretable and destructive occurs.

Posted by: Junkyard God at December 6, 2003 4:48 AM

Oh boy, I can hardly wait for the Cheney/Rice administration, with a filbuster proof Senate. So many Democrats would be going "scanner" that it would sound like the 4th of July...

The irony, of course, is that most of the Republicans I know would actually prefer that Cheney be President, rather than Bush. If I were a little more bloodthirsty I'd actually hope for Bush to be wacked. He's not doing much for us outside of foreign policy.

Posted by: Brett Bellmore at December 6, 2003 5:08 AM


You said:

"That said, I do see some nice side benefits to the Iraqis- but not many to us. And at quite a cost to us. Now, am I a liberal? Not a chance. Just a free-thinking Independent. Ctitique me."

Side benefits to us

1) A huge chunk of real estate on the Persian Gulf for a military base, independant of the whims of some Arab despot.

2) An opportunity to show the Muslim world an alternative path to Despotism, Tyrants, Jihad, Theocracy and Socialism.

3) An alternative vast supply of petroleum that takes the Saudi's hands off our collective gonads.

4) A second front from which to reach Iran.

5) An end to one terrorist supporting nation.

6) An end to one source of WMD proliferation.

7) An end to one threat to other sources of oil in the gulf.

8) A unforgivable insult to the Jihadists that will force them to attack us in a kill zone where we can slaugher them with impuninty.

9) An opportunity for the American people to see who their friends in the world really are.

10) An opportunity to study various tactics and theories in confronting terrorists.

11) Training for future military leaders.

12) A lesson for other nations as to what we can do to them if they get on our bad side.

Posted by: Junkyard God at December 6, 2003 5:17 AM

no one here seems much concerned about killing Iraqis but one president, WOW

Posted by: hippie biker at December 6, 2003 5:37 AM

Just a few thoughts:

1) Mr. Mathers' histrionics aside, it is sobering to note that since JFK and not counting the yet-to-be completed term of G-Dub, the Presidency has been held by Demos for 16 years and Repubs for 20 years -- and the three assassination attempts have all been against Repubs (Ford twice, Reagan once).

2) If I were betting money, I would lay it down on Mr. Mathers taking a bullet. There's a level of cavalier violence in the rap world (see Notorious B.I.G., Jam Master Jay, even the recent Jonathan Luna torture/murder) that would make a mob boss blush -- and makes the Office of the President look pretty safe in comparison.

3) But because my wife is an Ohio native, there is an easy way to explain Mr. Mathers' music and lyrics: HE'S FROM MICHIGAN.

Q: You're in Ohio and you have to travel to Michigan. How do you get there?

A: Go north until you smell it and then go west until you step in it.


Posted by: Otto at December 6, 2003 6:12 AM

Re my previous post...sorry, there has been an assassination attempt against a Democrat -- that rabbit in the pond that Jimmy Carter whacked with a boat oar.

My bad...

Posted by: Otto at December 6, 2003 6:15 AM

Oh, simmer down. Hatred of Bill Clinton by the right was just as high (as I recall, an officer on a military base he visited once suggested that Clinton might get shot if he visited), and there wasn't an attempt on his life--and more conservatives than liberals own guns ;)

Posted by: Jeff Fecke at December 6, 2003 6:31 AM

Well, if the rumor is true and Eminem does release that song and GWB is assassinated some time closely after that, Mr. Mathers would then have the honor of becoming the Vaughn Meader of the 21st Century...

Posted by: John at December 6, 2003 6:37 AM

I'm no fan of Eminem, but given what I know of his lyrics, I don't think he is not asking for the President's death. It seems to be exactly what was mentioned above, he is using the president's death as an example of an undesirable. To paraphrase, I'd rather cut of my arm than rap strictly for money.

It's not entirely fair to examine this little piece of the lyrics and pass judgement.

From what I've read of Eminem lyrics, he's pretty darned proud of this capitalistic society, unhypocritical about it, and likes mocking those "artists" who are. That is a common thread for Eminem, artists who bitch about these hypocritical leftist causes but live large in the belly of the beast. Eminem, likes the "belly of the beast" and has no shame in it.

I'll see if I can't get my son to find the entire song (after he get's up) and if he can find them, I'll post them here.


Posted by: cbk at December 6, 2003 6:38 AM

I said:

"I don't think he is not asking for the President's death"


"I don't think he is asking for the President's death"

Posted by: cbk at December 6, 2003 6:40 AM

Doobie doobie.

Look, folks. It only takes one guy with a sniper's rifle to change administrations. The level of Bush hatred ginned up by some of the less serious people on the Left has gotten a tad out of hand. I simply don't recall Pubbie NRA members digging through their rifle collections to take out the Sink Emperor. Oh sure, yahoos like Pat Robertson and the Turner Diaries crowd accused the President of murder or conspiracy thereto (speaking of which, how is Vince Foster doing these days, anyway?), but I don't recall Bob Dole running around accusing the President of anything other than the usual 1996 Republican talking points (not that there were any; 1996 was a piss poor year in which Republicans convinced themselves that running the Dead was a good idea).

Now things have gotten really interesting. The head of the Cargo Cult himself, Howie from Vermont, stoked the 9-11 conspiracy meme on the Diane Rehm show the other day. Now he knows that Bush was caught by surprise just like the rest of us, but he couldn't resist ginning up his base voters by getting them in touch with their inner Michael Moore. That was simply irresponsible, and betrays a lack of seriousness and a hyperpartisan intent on the part of Dean.

Some of the more extreme lefties (not necessarily a Dean supporter) might take their cue from the high level of angst on the part of the left and take out W. It would backfire horribly, of course, almost guaranteeing a Cheney or Rice presidency.

I do know this, Eminem probably did not advocate offing the Shrub. Indeed, as one poster above mentioned, if Eminem has any unclaimed debts out there in the world of the rappers, his life is in far more danger than is that of George W. Bush.

Posted by: section9 at December 6, 2003 6:41 AM

I didn't say that Eminem would kill Bush. He's just a cultural indicator.

But do people in this culture listen to pop stars? They do.

Do people in this culture do what pop stars say? They do.

Enmasse, it seldom comes to more than bad fashion statements. But I think you'll agree that destructive behavior of all sorts has been indulged in over the years by following the lead of stars of low degree.

And "The Devil made me do it" defense or rationalization has been used by more than one person to justify evil acts.

IJWTS that I admire:"...he couldn't resist ginning up his base voters by getting them in touch with their inner Michael Moore"

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 6, 2003 6:53 AM

Doug sez: A separate comment for people who want to talk about whether Eminem's rap is a commercial ploy: That's completely irrelevant. You're just off topic.

Actually, it's very on-topic. If he feels like he can gain commercial advantage with such incitive lyrics, what does that say about the level of hysteria among his audience?

Posted by: Reid at December 6, 2003 7:20 AM

I agree with those who think these lyrics are being mis-interpereted. I really DON'T think Eminem sympathizes with the liberals.

I have not heard all of his songs, but in the ones I have, liberal policies/lifestyles are always the target.

Posted by: AK at December 6, 2003 7:38 AM

George W. has proven to be the right president at the right time. But let's not make him the lynchpin to a strong, healthy and free America. Our future can't rest in the hands of any one leader. He has only four more years after his re-election to try and reverse almost a century of Nanny(Ninny)State growth. We need to identify and prepare the leaders that will step to the fore when George W's time is over. And remmember that we all have to do our part by being responsible individuals and working to restore American goverment into the hands of the American people

Posted by: Hal at December 6, 2003 8:23 AM

In response to Reid's comment at December 6, 2003 07:20 AM: I'm happy to grant the point that the salability of Eminem's lyrics points to the existence of a large, corrupted audience. My comment was directed at the commenters who have seemed to wish to excuse or shrug off Eminem's lyrics as merely commercially motivated. Discussion of his motive is a red herring that leads away from the question as to whether some limit should be set over him.

Posted by: Doug at December 6, 2003 8:34 AM

The Bush hate is the manifestation of the end of 20th century liberalism. They are losing the war: they are losing many of the battles (although not all) and they know they can't win in the arena of public opinion where ideas count. All this Bush hate demonstrates an absence of any concrete idea on the left but simple hate. That is not enough to govern this great country.

Posted by: Bill at December 6, 2003 8:55 AM

Ironically, the deed would likely be done by a "pacifist."

Posted by: gcotharn at December 6, 2003 9:19 AM

I don't know why the left has such a problem with hating Bush. We were much more tolerant of Cli uh, wait, I mean, we would never hate a Democratic president, well, not as bad. I mean, we hated Clinton, but didn't want him dead.

Not too hard to see where all this came from is it?


Posted by: Trey at December 6, 2003 9:23 AM

Imagine 1963. Suppose that a number of Goldwater supporters had called Kennedy "the greatest threat to freedom mankind had ever seen", called him another Hitler, and stoked the fires of hatred (not oppostion, but hatred) at every opportunity.

Then he gets shot in Dallas. The reaction would have been cataclysmic -- probably ending the Republican Party as an institution.

In today's climate, however, I just don't know what would happen. Anything from ho-hum to civil war is possible.

Posted by: Kevin Murphy at December 6, 2003 9:35 AM

I think the paranoia on display here is hilarious. If anybody in the US has a record for assissination in recent years it's the right (Tim McVeigh? abortion doctors?).

This and the current panty-twist among right wingers about "Bush-hating" is more evidence for something I've been saying for years: the right can't handle truly open discourse.

Posted by: Wilbur at December 6, 2003 9:40 AM

Under which president did the bumper sticker "Where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him?" first get printed up? Not this one.

Posted by: DonBoy at December 6, 2003 10:02 AM

Tim McVeigh is not of the right. He was an anti-government anarchist. I don't see how people can draw a parallel between blowing up federal buildings and the right.


Posted by: cbk at December 6, 2003 10:04 AM

I would not wish the death of most human beings (Saddam, his sons, Osama, being obvious exceptions), but I find myself wishing for the eminent death of Eminem's so-called career.

If there's an attempt on President Bush's life, it won't be because of an organized campaign of hatred. It will be because some gun-toting, pathetic, hate-everybody loser lunatic decided this was the way to get his name in the paper.

Posted by: Rebecca H. at December 6, 2003 10:29 AM

Of course Lee Harvey Oswald was in fact a leftist himself, if one who was a bit more skewed and unstable than even the average hard leftist of today. Though too the entire despising spirit of this type of thing is reminiscent of the "peace" banners during the run-up to Afghanistan and Iraq advertising such messages as "We Support Our Troops when they Kill Our Officers."

Oswald's had his history in the U.S.S.R., he contacted the Cuban embassy in Mexico to see if he could immigrate to Cuba, he passed out pro-Castro leaflets in New Orleans. Jacqueline Kennedy herself was quoted as rather ruefully saying something to the effect that it was just a petty little communist who did it when she learned it was likely Oswald. JFK was after all pretty solidly in the anti-totalitarian wing of the old Democratic party, prior to '68 and '72 when the hardened left began to take it over. (Chicago in '68, on the convention floor in '72)

And now it's the left who's fomenting and forwarding, to indulge in some notable understatement, all the despising hate. Just visited half-a-dozen left-of-center blogs; not a single one was condemning this. None were endorsing it in a more positive or assertive sense, but none were condemning it, reflective of how some or even many on the left more passively enjoy this type of thing.

Just the usual sneers and smirks and dismissiveness (so uncommon of course!).

Posted by: Michael at December 6, 2003 10:41 AM

One really needs to experience this sort of masturbatory hysteria every now and's the loony bin version of watching a flock of birds change direction in near-unison.

You people have worked yourselves into such a lather over this "Bush hatred" idiocy that you see it lurking in every dark corner. Never mind the likelihood that Eminem is probably thoroughly ignorant of current events. (He'd have to stop thinking about himself for a minute or two, y'know.) Also never mind the notion that this "lyric" is probably the only verbal twist on the money = "dead presidents" allegory that he could come up with in all his creative brilliance. And please - for the love of God - please never consider the possibility that the "song" in question was concieved (if not recorded) during the previous administration. The reference to "president" isn't specific, in case anyone was actually paying attention. Nope. Can't be any of that. Must just be another example of "Bush hatred" from the traitors on the left. And you people call Oliver Stone "paranoid."

But the real jewel in this thread thus far is the fact that one of your own, a dapper fellow by the name of Dustino, said the following:

bush, i almost wish he would get assasinated, it might make a martyr out of him, and then i could be sure that our country would be resolute in the war on terror. i guess i see one life as a small price.

And none of you even flinched. A far more specific threat to the president's life than anything in the brain-numbing Eminem track, and it went completely unmentioned, very likely because your tinfoil hats are calibrated to only allow the rays of "Bush hatred" to bounce around in your heads.

I wonder if the Secret Service will be paying Mr. Dustino a visit in the near future...

Posted by: Balatron at December 6, 2003 10:50 AM

Assassination attempts against US presidents, 20th c.:

1981 Reagan shot, survives
1975 Ford survives two different women pointing pistols in crowds
1963 Kennedy shot, killed
1950 Terrorists attack Truman's residence, Blair House. Two killed
1933 Man shoots at FDR, hits and kills Chicago Mayor Cermak
1912? TR shot at campaign rally, very slightly wounded
1901 McKinley shot, killed at Buffalo World's Fair

Posted by: John at December 6, 2003 10:58 AM

No Democrat or "leftwinger" wishes for the death of the President. How could you think that? Why do you hate Americans?

On the other hand, a lot of Democrats are scared sh*tless that someone will assassinate Bobby Kennedy I mean Howard Dean. United States Senator Robert F. Kennedy was a threat to the ruling elite for
several reasons, among them his opposition to the War in Vietnam.

Posted by: ten nights at December 6, 2003 11:48 AM

A belief in the "ruling elite" is something that should be attended to by a trained professional.

"No Democrat or "leftwinger" wishes for the death of the President." is a belief that needs to be exposed to a bit more reality.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 6, 2003 12:30 PM

What Eminem did or did not mean by his lyrics is irrelevant,it is how the words are construed by someone with the inclination and means of making those words reality that matters.The lyrics are unlikely to be subjected to deep analysis by those that hear voices in their heads.
Whatever the reasons Eminem had for using that phraseology,after all he didn't say he would rather the President retired on health grounds,this kind of language lowers the bar.

Posted by: Peter UK at December 6, 2003 12:40 PM

Best thing to do is to report anyone making what seems a threat against the president to the secret service. Let them deal with the consequences of their words.

Posted by: dude1394 at December 6, 2003 1:25 PM

I am all for starting a website called "killeminem," and offer a bounty for the courageous person who puts a bullet right between his eyes.

Great graphic on the homepage: A photo of that little p*ssy with a target right over his face.

Now THAT is entertainment.

(Wanna bet the liberals are against that kind of "free speech"?)

Posted by: Eminemsux at December 6, 2003 1:49 PM

You folks may want to listen to the rest of the song: it's essentially a pro-guns rights rant.

Posted by: MC at December 6, 2003 2:35 PM

So, this is where all of the nit-wits are. You people are creepy. You would think nothing of whining about big bad bill clinton and how many ways you could think of snuffing him. he lied about a little illicit sex, but nobody is dying from it. Get a grip. GWB is a nasty little man that needs to go.

Posted by: cwb at December 6, 2003 2:41 PM

You nutcases never tire of projecting your vitriolic hatred onto others.

We don't claim Bush murdered his staff, dealt drugs, or festooned his Christmas tree with condoms and crack pipes, just that he lied and sent young Americans to die to enrich his friends. We don't want Bush dead. We just want him to share the fate he dealt to three million others: unemployment.

Posted by: Ken at December 6, 2003 3:48 PM

Bill said "they know they can't win in the arena of public opinion where ideas count."

George W. Bush: 50,461,080

Al Gore: 50,994,081

'Nuff said.

Posted by: Ken at December 6, 2003 3:59 PM

Hardly. It is, after all, a Republic with an electoral college. Other Presidents have become President without a majority of the popular vote. Or is the Constitution too obscure and history too hard for you?

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 6, 2003 4:24 PM

And besides, Ken, you've really got to get beyond this us and we thing. Very detrimental you know.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 6, 2003 4:25 PM

This was quite a sensible post until they let school out.It is amazing the anger that acne and self abuse cause in a callow youngster like cwb.
Such is progress, at one time they would merely written "bum" on their bedroom wall.

Posted by: Peter UK at December 6, 2003 4:41 PM

I don't know if I'd call it treason. I'd like to. Boy, would I love to string the little punk up. But, let's remember, we have precedents here to think of. I think we are on a collision course in this country to civil war along ideological grounds.

Sometime in the future, when a leftist Supreme Court rules personal firearms unconstitutional under the equal protection clause the shooting is going to start. The Declaration of Independence is a precedent for killing a tyranical government. We may need this in the future.

Posted by: Grayson at December 6, 2003 6:58 PM

Ken, you need to actually learn something about economics and history, by the way. Clinton inherited an economy on the upswing. Bush inherited one going down in a ball of fire (Enron, just so you know, happened on Clinton's watch).

All this has been proven endlessly. If you'd just read up on the facts, you might get a clue.

Oh, and where are all the memos and secret cables back and forth about going to war "to enrich his friends"? While absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (see WMD), you might want to site just one little solid piece of evidence that the president was sending people to war for cronyism. Just one.

Posted by: Grayson at December 6, 2003 7:03 PM

"Hardly. It is, after all, a Republic with an electoral college. Other Presidents have become President without a majority of the popular vote. Or is the Constitution too obscure and history too hard for you?"

LOL! Gerard, Ken wasn't talking about who won the election, he was exploding validity of the statement that liberal ideas "can't win in the arena of public opinion where ideas count."

Add the Nader votes to the Gore votes and the ability of liberal ideas to appeal to voters is even more striking.

You guys crack me up! Do you ever think about what you're saying? Clinton won much bigger electoral majorities than Bush did (Florida included), yet right-wingers continue to belittle him as a "plurality president"! Consistency and honesty were never your strong points, were they?

Posted by: Wilbur at December 6, 2003 7:08 PM

Oh right, Grayson, if the Republicans had been in charge during the nineties they really would have cracked down on Enron and other corporate criminals. Yaaaaah, right!

Posted by: Wilbur at December 6, 2003 7:16 PM

Let me remind you of something you put up on your site, October 22, 2003:

"The Only Problem with Shakespeare's kill all the lawyers, is that he didn't set a date."

It's so good to hear about the outrage over references to killing laywers here. My lawyer friends will greatly appreciate it.

Oh. . .oops. Never Mind.

Posted by: Brett at December 6, 2003 8:51 PM

What so many commenters here choose to forget is that violence is the sign-language of the inarticulate. To admit to hating Bush (or anyone else) enough to attempt killing them, is to admit to spiritual dwarfism of a pathological, virulent nature.

EE-My-Numb is a word-merchant. He sells words, and has shown his proclivity to sell himself therein, cheaply. Barely capable of carrying a song, EE-My-Numb relies on 'rap', a non-musical form of grunting, polyphonic wordiating which few find pleasant to endure for any length of time, but which suffices in today's attention-deficit populace.

I avoid EE-My-Numb. Or is it pronounced Am-I-Numb?

Posted by: SharpShooter at December 6, 2003 10:20 PM

That's right Enron is Clinton's fault. I guess it was Al Gore who had all those secret energy task force meetings, and why does he continue to hide the transcipts from the public if he has nothing to hide? Ken Lay was the largest contributor to Clinton's last presidential campaign. Clinton also had cabinet members who were employed by Enron. In fact I guess it was Janet Reno and her chief of staff who had to recuse herself from the investigation of Enron, because she had received tens of thousands of dollars from Enron as part of a recent failed attempt to hold onto her seat in the senate.

Boy, I bet the democrats are sorry they made Eminem an official spokesperson! Now he has the authority to speak for democrats everywhere.

Quick everybody get the straw man, before he gets away!

Posted by: J at December 7, 2003 1:51 AM

Are you an idiot? Seriously?

And doesn't Andy Sullivan LUV Eminem, because he says *Democratic*-bashing crap?

Or is this like the "South Park" Republicanism, where the second they make fun of George W. Bush, they're off all the "cool conservative" lists?

Posted by: jesse at December 7, 2003 5:45 AM

SharpShooter sez:

"What so many commenters here choose to forget is that violence is the sign-language of the inarticulate."

Yep, George W Bush is proof of that.

Posted by: Wilbur at December 7, 2003 6:30 AM

Remember that while the last assassination attempt was against a Republican President, it was carried out by a Republican who just happened to be a close friend of the Bush family.

Posted by: Bob the Built at December 7, 2003 10:23 AM

And when was the last time a liberal assassinated anyone? I'd think you'd be pleased they took action instead of talking the sonofabitch to death.

Posted by: Kelly at December 7, 2003 11:11 AM

“is the Constitution too obscure and history too hard for you?” [Gerard, changing the subject, yet actually being snarky about it]

“you need to actually learn something about economics and history . . . just so you know . . . All this has been proven endlessly. If you'd just read up on the facts, you might get a clue . . .” [Grayson, simultaneously wrong yet snarky]

Intellectually fatal, guys: talking down to people when you don’t know what you’re talking about. No, YOU need to actually learn something about economics and history, Grayson, and it might help to stop depending solely on Fox News for your information. Fact is, BY NEARLY ANY MEANINGFUL MEASURE the economy does better under Democrats than Republicans, under practically any time lag you wanna use. (Might be that some Republicans, never having had to actually earn money, seem unable to manage it either.) Blaming Bush’s economic carnage on Clinton simply confirms that the Party of Taking Personal Responsibility is unable to actually take any.

But I guess we knew that when Commander AWOL blamed his “Mission Accomplished” banner on the sailors.

Posted by: Ken at December 7, 2003 11:16 AM

“where are all the memos and secret cables” If they’re secret, by definition we don’t have ‘em—not that we need ‘em. Follow the money. Absence of evidence is evidence of neither absence NOR presence of anything, but then Don Rumsfeld is nobody’s idea of an eminent logician. “One little solid piece of evidence”? Exhibit A: Richard Perle. Exhibit B: Joe Allbaugh. Exhibit C: Halliburton. Exhibit D: Bechtel.

Posted by: Ken at December 7, 2003 1:00 PM

Contrary to what people said above, there was at least one major assassination attempt on a sitting Democratic president since JFK. What, am I the only person who remembers the actions of Francisco Martin Duran?

But, Clinton had major Republican figures declare that the only decision to be made regarding him was "impeach or assassinate" (Ann Coulter) and that he'd "need a bodyguard" if he went to a military base in North Carolina (Jesse Helms), and still only attracted one not-terribly-capable conservative would-be assassin. Liberals haven't reached the rhetorical levels employed by conservatives yet, and they're far less likely to have guns or know how to use them. I'd imagine Bush is safe, as long as he keeps away from Iraqis, pretzels and British Airways.

Posted by: Hoosier-in-Exile at December 7, 2003 2:28 PM

"F--k money. I don't rap for dead presidents.
I'd rather see the president dead. "

Translation: I would never rap for money. I hate the idea so much that I would rather see the current president dead than be accussed of such a thing.

This means that the president's death would be bad. Its a common literary device that generally works like this: I hate (generic bad thing) so much, that I'd rather see (generic really bad thing) happen instead.

An example: I hate Captain Crunch so much that I'd rather have liberals running the country than eat a single bowl of that cereal.

Posted by: Bolo at December 7, 2003 3:13 PM

You guys are a parody of yourselves! So what is the the article implying? That anyone who disagrees with Bush is inciting/plotting his assassination? Jeez you americans you talk about freedom of speech and then you attack people when they say things you don't want to hear. Wait a decade and see what people think of your appointed president. History will judge you even if the rest of the world cannot.

Posted by: OMG at December 7, 2003 8:12 PM

The Eminem song really doesn't have anything to do with Bush. He's just trying to shock people to get more attention as usual and went too far this time. He didn't even criticize Bush in the song, it was just a throwaway rhyme.

Posted by: ownageman at December 8, 2003 8:57 AM

Let's not forget the dingbat who flew a plane into the White House in an attempt to get Clinton. Oh, wait. I forgot. Republican shit don't stink.

We do not expect members of the loyal opposition to allow their rhetoric and their "cultural standard bearers" such as Eminem ("I set precedents and the standards...") to poison the political system to the level that some of their misguided ilk take it upon themselves to take a shot at Bush "for the sake of the greater good."

Thanks! Needed an entry today for "dumbest fucking thing ever said". And that craptacularly inane and meaningless piece of drivel from that Brigham Young worshipping retard Card gets a nod too.

Posted by: Joe Hill at December 8, 2003 9:52 AM

Yet another living argument against having internet connectivity in elementary schools.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 8, 2003 10:25 AM

"We do not expect members of the loyal opposition to allow their rhetoric and their "cultural standard bearers" such as Eminem .. to poison the political system . . ."

. . . and members of the loyal opposition must prevent such poisoning by . . . doing what, exactly?

I'm writing today to *demand* that Eminem be summarily thrown off the Democratic National Committee.

Now what have you done, Gerard, to contain the poison of Coulter, Limbaugh, Ruddy, Wiener-Savage, Liddy, Freepers, etc. ?

Posted by: Ken at December 8, 2003 12:05 PM

I leave God's work to those like you on a Mission from God.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 8, 2003 12:37 PM

Then you admit your sanctimonious demands that others work against hateful rhetoric is phony to the core.

Posted by: Ken at December 8, 2003 12:47 PM

Now you are being very silly and very young.

A bit more Plato and a little less Catcher in the Rye, please.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at December 8, 2003 1:14 PM

Plato: (who captions a photo of a public shooting “Right idea, wrong lawyer”): Democrats must stop Eminem from inciting assassination. (no, seriously)

Me: Will you challenge the violent speech of wingnuts?

Plato: Nah, challenging others’ hateful speech is best left to zealots.

Me: What a phony.

Plato (who titles articles “There are times when citizens just have to start going down to City Hall with a baseball bat and a bad attitude.”): Noticing hypocrisy is only for alienated teenagers.

I'm outta this Bizarro World. I’ll tell you one thing: Whole lotta projection goin’ on.

Posted by: Ken at December 9, 2003 7:06 AM

So, Eminem pondering that he'd "rather see the president dead" is different from Ann "Goering-in-a-miniskirt" Coulter's remarks a few years ago for some one to "impeach or assasinate" Clinton in what way (Does that one filter through your empty little head, Ryan Waxx?)? And liberal disgust and anger with Conservatives is similar to Conservatives and their hysterical psychosis in what way again? That a party of ideologues which, through people like Rush Limbaugh, Pat "I love Liberian Dictators" Robertson and Ann Coulter, has made it's biggest gains in years and did so by hawking fear and hate should try to play at being innocent and affronted now that they've managed to arouse an angry reaction from people who won't sit still any longer for their crap is both laughable and pathetic. This "it goes for thee but not for me" stuff has gotten really nauseating of late.

Posted by: Stark at December 9, 2003 3:37 PM

I have a big fear. It is just speculation. I hope this doesn't happen. I have a vivid imagination. In 2004, as Dean or somebody looks like he is going to win, as George Bush's poll numbers head into the toilet, we'll have another "9-11" type event. the death toll will be huge. Oklahoma city: 100's. Twin towers: 1,000's. "9-11 v.2": 10,000's. Included in the victims will be our president. Martial Law will be declared. The election will be canceled. Cheney will be the head of the new military dictatorship. I hope I am wrong.

Posted by: Regnad Kcin at December 13, 2003 9:53 PM

As a world citizen living in many places in the world. I feel afraid as united states influence in the world is growing. I am not a man of hate I am not an enemy of the united states. But i am in fear and willing to defend proper morales against the bush indoctrine.
I feel pitty for the beautifull people of the U.S. as day by you are hated due to the policies of just one man. I beg you to do the right thing and leave us in peace.

Posted by: jeroen at January 12, 2004 2:59 PM

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Posted by: Jennette at January 12, 2004 5:48 PM

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Posted by: Jane at January 12, 2004 5:49 PM

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Posted by: Garnett at January 12, 2004 5:51 PM

i think bush is a crook he dont care how high gas goes because he in with the oil company

Posted by: ricky mcgrady at May 6, 2004 12:13 PM

i think bush is a crook he dont care how high gas goes because he in with the oil company

Posted by: ricky mcgrady at May 6, 2004 12:13 PM

Bush and his/ cabinet alone are responsible for the "anti-Bush" reactions throughout the country and the world. As an American living in Europe, I have to deal with questions and accusations with regards to our President and his politics on a daily basis. One can no longer proudly admit that he/she is American. After 9/11, there was such a great outpouring of love and compassion towards Americans here in Europe. Governments and individuals stood behind America and what it stood for. A German friend of mine even said, "9/11 is the day when every freedom loving world citizen was an American". Our President and Government, unfortunately, missed the chance of taking advantage of this "global mood" and using it as an opportunity of pulling together a real anti-terror coalition. Instead, a year later after most Europeans were lighting candles and waving the American flag in honor of the victims of 9/11 and democracy, they were now marching in anti-Bush/American demonstrations. The list of events thereafter (Afganistan, Iraq, Iraqi prisoner mistreatment, etc...) only increased this hate. No one is to be blamed for this hatred and disrespect of the United States Government (Pres. Bush) than the United States Government (Pres. Bush) itself.

Posted by: Peter Bodrogi at June 10, 2004 2:50 AM

Either that or a massive revolt by the citizens. People are really angry at the whole government, not just the bush Regimental these days.

Posted by: Jabroney at June 22, 2004 11:03 AM

Hey guys, wait a moment and read this. who is this so called left? have you seen anyone calling himself or identifying himself left? You people, in all your anger and rage have been creating an imaginary "left" and spewing hateful words at them (imaginary). It is you who hate anyne who says anything about Bush or the government. wake up boys because you type of guys are the reasons rome and all those great empires were destroyed. Arrogance of being right and self delusion.

Posted by: VST at June 24, 2004 11:34 AM

Eminem is just trying to express his frustration with the Bush Administration. It might not be the best way to do it, but he has the right to do so.

That is what makes our country so don't compare it to treason! If we were denied the privilege to speak about the injustices of our government then it would not be a democracy!!

And here is my two cents... Bush should not be reelected. His foreign policy has made the US an enemy to several nations which only makes this country a target for more attacks.

Posted by: kev at July 14, 2004 3:06 AM

Eminem is just trying to express his frustration with the Bush Administration. It might not be the best way to do it, but he has the right to do so.

That is what makes our country so don't compare it to treason! If we were denied the privilege to speak about the injustices of our government then it would not be a democracy!!

And here is my two cents... Bush should not be reelected. His foreign policy has made the US an enemy to several nations which only makes this country a target for more attacks.

Posted by: kev at July 14, 2004 3:06 AM

Eminem is just trying to express his frustration with the Bush Administration. It might not be the best way to do it, but he has the right to do so.

That is what makes our country so don't compare it to treason! If we were denied the privilege to speak about the injustices of our government then it would not be a democracy!!

And here is my two cents... Bush should not be reelected. His foreign policy has made the US an enemy to several nations which only makes this country a target for more attacks.

Posted by: kev at July 14, 2004 3:07 AM

Bush is ashamed of being a deserter during Viet Nam, so he pushes a commercial where a bunch of paid shills tell us that John Kerry didn't deserve his medals.

This is Despicable. I am sorry, this deserves to be called what it is, it is dishonerable.

Posted by: Dave at August 5, 2004 12:52 PM

bush deserves to die, he's personally responsable for the deaths of over 1000 americans, countless civilian iraqies, all for what, a reason that makes no sense, so we should just let him live out the rest of his life while familys suffer from death , the destruction of there homes, billions of dollars wasted on a war we should of never had, he's an idiot and is responsable for the murder of thousands...he deserves at least to die himself

Posted by: donnie at October 6, 2004 10:52 AM

Then again, some children simply must be left behind.

Posted by: Gerard Van der Leun at October 27, 2004 3:09 PM

bush not only let but helped 9/11 happen. he is being sued by stanley hilton for mass murder.any one who can say bush wasnt behind then tell me how u can brove it gie me 5 reasons he didnt do it. and where the hell is the plane the hit the pnetagon it couldnt have burned up in the fire like they clame that cant happen if the fire was stared by jet fule it wont get hot enough. i got alot fo there bush has killed over 3000 people on 9/111 and has killed over a 1000 in a pos war in iraq.

Posted by: maaudiosubs at November 18, 2004 4:41 PM

Eminem is not a bad person. He just says all the stuff that we are afraid to say out loud. You guys are all a bunch of freaks that need to get a life. Thinking about killing people? You guys are f*cking morbid. PSYCHO!!!!!

Posted by: Nycole at November 28, 2004 5:15 PM