October 17, 2003

Hint to NYT: They Call It Staten "Island" for a Reason

An editorial in the Times celebrates the normalcy of the commute on after the Staten Island Ferry Tragedy, by saying:

Still, ferry riders returned yesterday morning. According to Iris Weinshall, the city's transportation commissioner, "It was an eerily normal rush hour."

That's as much a testament to the resilience of Staten Islanders and their faith in the ferries as to their confidence that investigators will figure out what happened.

The Times really has to talk to someone who lives there before preening in this way. It is an "island" like, say, Manhattan, but with no trains connecting it. There's a busline, natch, but that's about an hour and a half into the city. Nope, the islanders were, as islanders are, simply trapped into their commuting rut.

Posted by Vanderleun at October 17, 2003 1:34 PM
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