October 27, 2004

Blogger's Head to Be Rebuilt at JPL

Van der Leun head assembly schematic.

From AMERICAN DIGEST NEWS, October 27, 2004

LAGUNA BEACH, CALIFORNIA -- The reassembly and reanimation of blogger Gerard Van der Leun's head went forward quickly over the last 24 hours. Mr. Van der Leun, the latest victim of Hyper-Cerebral Blogosis or HCB, has had the remnants of his head taken to JPL by a crack team of actors from CSI:Las Vegas. "We used Shop-Vacs to make sure we got every smidgen," said the lead investigator on the case. "There's no proof of crime except a general crime against humanity brought on by over exposure to punditry."

Van der Leun, whose head injuries were reported yesterday in Blogger's Head Explodes, is expected to make a full and complete reassembly and reanimation on the lab benches of JPL. "If we can put a man on Mars," said Professor Blunt, "we can certainly put this blogger back into his blather in no time. What? We haven't put a man on Mars? Give it time. I'm part of the Kerry transition team and we've got great plans for George Bush."


In other news, Donna @ Pajama Pundits has found other upsetting examples of Exploding Head Syndrome sweeping the Blogsphere this week.

Posted by at October 27, 2004 11:02 AM
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Thanks for the plans, I needed guidance on the matter.

Posted by: syn at October 27, 2004 11:35 AM

Shouldn't that be “blather back in the bloger”?

Posted by: Dave Schuler at October 27, 2004 12:46 PM

Or even “blather back in the blogger”?


Posted by: Dave Schuler at October 27, 2004 12:48 PM

This is good bzzzttttt! to know. I'm doing klnck! fine right PNGCK!! now. No problems. brkzzt!

Posted by: Donna at October 27, 2004 2:40 PM

I'm getting a flashback to Re-Animator from this. Don't tell me what you're doing with that head...

Posted by: urthshu at October 27, 2004 8:29 PM