October 28, 2010

Something Wonderful: The Final Scene of Being There

I found this scene from the film on YouTube after reading Sippican's " I Made It Past That One. I'll Make It Past This One" where he remarks, "Fantastic piece of work. Wholly misunderstood." The script excerpt, which does not track the film as released, comes from HERE.

(reading quotes)
... 'I have no use for those on
welfare, no patience whatsoever...
But if I am to be honest with
myself, I must admit that they
have no use for me, either.'

... 'I do not regret having
political differences with men
that I respect; I do regret,
however, that our philosophies
kept us apart.'

... 'I was born into a position
of extreme wealth, but I have
spent many sleeples nights
thinking about extreme poverty.'

As the President speaks, Chance turns and walks away. Eve
and Allenby watch as he goes toward the trees surrounding
the area.

(continues reading)
... 'When I was a boy, I was told
that the Lord fashioned us from
his own image. That's when I
decided to manufacture mirrors.'

... 'Life is a state of mind.'

The Pallbearers are enroute, they are all breathing
heavily. JAMES DUDLEY, a powerful industrialist, speaks.

Yes, I agree, Maxwell would be an
excellent man for the job - but
he's boring, he would never take
an election.

SEWELL NELSON, a corporation Chairman, speaks.

Correct, the people of this
country need to be awakened.

PETER CALDWELL, another executive:

What about Lawson? He's
charismatic, exciting...

A bit too exciting, I'm afriad...
Once they start bringing things
up about his background.

WEBB, Railroad money:

Well, gentlemen. Time is running
out, we must come to a decision.


Chance, his umbrella under his arm, walks through the woods.
He stops by a tree, brushes some snow from a branch, moves on.


The President is still reading Rand's quotes.

'The world parts with Rand, and
Rand parts with the world: A
fair trade, don't you agree?
Security, tranquility, a well-
deserved rest: All the aims I
have pursued will soon be

Eve is concerned about Chance, she turns to Allenby.

I've got to find Chauncey.

She leaves the funeral, heads toward the trees.

...'I do not know the feelings
of being poor, and that is not
to know the feelings of the
majority of people in this
world. For a man in my position,
that is inexcusable.

The Pallbearers near the mausoleum, they are struggling.

But what do we know of the man?
Nothing! We have no inkling of
his past!

Correct, and that is an asset.
A man's past can cripple him,
his background turns into a
swamp and invites scrutiny.

...Up to this time, he hasn't
said anything that could be used
against him.

The response from his appearance
on the 'Burns Show' was over-
whelming; mail and telephone
response was the highest they
ever had, and it was ninety-five
percent pro!

CHARLIE BOB BENNET, a Texas oil millionaire;

Well, I'm certainly open to the
thought - it would be sheer
lunacy to support the President
for another term.

LYMAN MURRAY, a banker;

Exactly. That is why I agree
with Ben's final wishes, and
I firmly believe, gentlemen,
if we want to retain the
Presidency, that our one and
only chance is Chauncey Gardiner!

Posted by Vanderleun at October 28, 2010 11:56 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Well, we elected Chauncy, or somebody with his experience and intelligence, and he suffered from delusions of competence.

Posted by: Fat Man at October 28, 2010 2:42 PM

It was a great, great movie, and the Biltmore House is as much a star as Mr Sellers. I have stood in that same spot many times and remembered that great scene.

Posted by: Cynyr at October 28, 2010 2:44 PM

A great movie no doubt. It's been a long time since I watched it last but it seemed you could look at the movie from different perspectives. Is he a fool? Or are they? Is he a Christ-like figure? Or is the writer making fun of the Christ story.
He is certainly child-like in the manner Christ asks, and not childish. I particularly like the scenes where he places his hand on the foreheads of the dead.

Posted by: Rick at October 28, 2010 7:32 PM

Well, now I know how it ended. I walked out midway through the movie, boring, boring, boring. And also trite.

Posted by: chuck at October 29, 2010 7:22 AM

Yes, it's a wonderfully rich allegory with beautifully composed scenes, crafted dialogue, and unsettling tempo. Been a while since I've seen it.

Sellers is so perfectly cast in the role of Chauncy, the film seems to have been created specifically for him. I like the scene at the dinner table, which turns into a casket, where he becomes invisible.

Art makes us see what cannot be seen.

Posted by: HelenRW at October 30, 2010 11:00 AM