February 26, 2010

Requiem for Obamacare: The Cake Has the Death Baked In

Sing along with Donna! Someone left the cake out in the rain......

"Obama's cake is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down..."

I don't think I'm alone when I sense with every passing day that the gigantic gâteau de merde cooked up by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid is being moved outside by the American people. Moved outside into a torrential storm that looks to wash it all away. That's the good news.

The better news is that even if The OPR Wrecking Crew manages to pass this sorry, sodden slopbucket of a bill through the tight sphincter of "reconciliation" it will only cover their cake with green cyanide frosting. And the people who are going to be served large sodden slices of this cake this coming fall will be any incumbent that voted for it. Even if those voting sit in Demowhore "safe seats" they can plan on spending a lot more money and energy to keep sitting than ever before. At the same time, they can also count of their bases of support to be less energetic and generous than ever before.

From an objectionable chunk of legislation under ordinary circumstances, the Obamacare initiative has grown over time into something so politically lethal that it makes Jonestown look like Mayberry. This last week has added something new to the death cake mix -- a double dip of tediousness.

The Healthcare Bill is not just terrible any longer (and getting more terrible the longer it becomes), it's now become terribly boring too. The nearly year long gruntfest around this bill has finally gotten to the stage of terminal enervation. To even begin to listen to Obama, Pelosi, Reid or any of their clapped-out capitol whores flatulate further on the issue is now as numbing as having a railroad spike nailed down the center of your spine. And that goes for its supporters. There was little new to say about what they were up to when they started and now, after repeating themselves into oblivion, they have less than zero to say and yet they persist in saying it.

You can be a lot of things in America and do a lot of things to Americans, but you can't bore them to death in the process.

Where's the original "excitement" of hopeful social engineering and Candyland promises gone? Faded like the Highland Mist teleported to the center of the Gobi desert.

Where's the tug at the compassionate heartstrings of America when it comes to relating for the lebenty-leventh time some sad sob-story about some family in Upper Babboon's Buttocks that were so broke they had to have do-it-yourself open heart surgery on the rusting hood of their cashed-in clunker? Vanished into gargling tales of addled octogenarians slapping pre-owned dentures into their mouths.

Where's the new dawn of blissful bipartisanship as Democrats and Republicans sing of the Brave New Morning in America now that everything from heroin suppositories to frontal lobotomies with a government-approved icepick are free, free, FREE! forever? Sunk deep into a darkness deeper than a hundred midnights down in a cypress swamp.

Oh, it may survive. It may come to pass like some spot-welded Frankenstein slapped together from the hacked corpses of five dozen dead Democrats. But it won't be pretty and it will be very, very flammable.

Much like a cake left out in a rain of gasoline.

Got a light?

Good. Let's dance!

Posted by Vanderleun at February 26, 2010 6:57 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

However...I wish I had a nickle for every pol who got his mug in a headline with "The bill is dead." over the past lebenty levin munts.

Posted by: Ricky Raccoon at February 26, 2010 3:32 PM

Heroin suppositories? Free?
Wait, maybe let's re-think this thing...


Posted by: jwm at February 26, 2010 3:56 PM

I should never read you when you are so ON and I have a chest cold!

I nearly laughed my lungs out.

What a MINute. I DID laugh my lungs out!


I have to go to CVS for a heroin suppository.

Posted by: Lance de Boyle at February 26, 2010 3:59 PM

It may come to pass like some spot-welded Frankenstein slapped together from the hacked corpses of five dozen dead Democrats.

Be still my beating heart.

Posted by: rickl at February 26, 2010 4:41 PM

Listening to some local talk show on the car radio yesterday, one of the callers was grousing about how the Repubs were trying to keep her from getting her FREE health care like the Seniors get. It was pointed out that Medicare is not free to Seniors, nor are Medicare Advantage plans. She got mad and whined that it was a conspiracy and she wanted what was RIGHTFULLY hers.

Another caller in following up made the point as well that those now collecting SS and Medicare have been paying into the system for decades, while the woman-baby had said she was only 23 and had only been on her first job for less than a year.

Shades of the Obama is going to pay for my gas and mortgage of the campaign. And this is Obama's constituency. There is a large contingent of morons still in the Obama camp.

Posted by: Sara (Pal2Pal) at February 26, 2010 8:24 PM


Or Jonestown? Come for the religion, stay for the Kool-Aid. N.B.: killing US Representatives was the one way to guarantee that the feces would hit the air-distribution device.

[Ooops. Thank you. Fixed -- GV]

Posted by: Mikey NTH at February 28, 2010 12:52 PM

I remember reading about Jonestown when I was in junior high. The wiki article (I know - it is wiki) is pretty much as I remember.


See AGW if you want a more 'modern' cult.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at March 1, 2010 4:43 PM
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