February 13, 2013

Two Topics from Tuesday

Created by @notoserfdom.

Obama SOTU/Chris Dorner Manhunt Open Thread: Ace of Spades HQ

"Yes, alas, it's an Open Thread, and not a liveblog. I don't really feel like listening to this imbecilic gasbag. I asked around but no one else has much interest, either.

"CNN/Chris Dorner Update: No, Anderson Cooper did not ask if it's harder to find a black man at night. See the "red flag" at the end."

Meanwhile Morgan is happy to give you a translated synopsis. Excerpt:

Too many families with solid credit who want to buy a home are being rejected. Too many families who have never missed a payment and want to refinance are being told no. That’s holding our entire economy back, and we need to fix it. Four years without a budget is not holding our economy back, and bizarre new health care regulatoins aren’t holding our economy back, and the constant threat of ever-increasing taxes on “millionaires and billionaires” is not holding our economy back. It’s those darn banks telling people no.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 13, 2013 2:50 AM
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