December 29, 2013

The awful question is no longer "Is this a lie?" but "How big of a lie is this?"

Healthcare Enrollment Surged Prior to the Deadline for Coverage on January 1 |

And when you read the headline "White House Rejects Idea Of Creating An Obamacare CEO" why would you have a moment's doubt that one is currently being selected if not already hired and being trained?

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 29, 2013 11:01 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

The even bigger question is "How many people will believe this really big lie?"

Posted by: Jewel at December 29, 2013 11:58 AM

Everything is a lie. The stock market broke 50 all time high records this year. Unemployment keeps dropping. The economy is getting better. $17 trillion debt doesn't matter. There is gold in Ft Knox. Obama was born in Hawaii... Everything is a lie. Where is the media on these issues. We are collapsing out here in flyover country and Obama and congress is on holiday. The media lapdogs ony report good things. In the near future someone is going to wonder out loud on some talk show how this could have happened and the media watchdogs simply watched. I honestly am not sure our country will survive the coming collapse and our politicians are focused like a lasar beam on taxing and spending. It's been a great ride but it's coming to an end...

Posted by: GoneWithTheWind at December 29, 2013 12:13 PM

The stock market broke 50 all time high records this year. Unemployment keeps dropping. The economy is getting better. $17 trillion debt doesn't matter. There is gold in Ft Knox. Obama was born in Hawaii... Or as they say in Poland, "The check is in my mouth, and I won't come in your mailbox." Of course the only real question is "How many will believe this," as Jewel points out. The dumbing-down of hipsterism has been staggering to observe over the last 20 years or so.

Oh yeah....The "of" in "How big of a lie is this?" is redundant/superfluous/ungrammatical/wrong. Just sayin.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at December 29, 2013 1:11 PM

I think it's delicious. Who needs a Tsar when you can have a CEO?

"Hey, those rubes will never know the difference, we'll just call it a CEO, they love CEOs right?"

I do believe the long march through the institutions worked, in an unforeseen way. Even the acolytes are dumber than hell.

Posted by: Allen at December 30, 2013 10:22 PM