May 4, 2013

Resist and Ignore Evil Laws: Why You Would Want to Have a High Capacity Magazine

"There is a certain number of “rounds” a gun has to hold in order to be a deadly weapon capable of ending a human life, or altering it forever. And that number is one.

Some gun-rights advocates consider the magazine-capacity limit to be among the most logical and persuasive proposals to be offered by their opposition. I strenuously disagree with this. It doesn’t even begin to make a lick o’ sense. The whole thing is a silly bunny trail. First test of a rational proposal is, can you define its objective — so what’s the objective here? Make a gun that’s safe? Ladies-and-gentlemen, boys-and-girls, guns aren’t safe. They are life-threatening and deadly. They’re supposed to be. Guns are like car insurance, in the sense that (in this context) you hope you never, ever have to use them. Those who do their responsible thinking, as opposed to feeling, realize “I hope I never have to use it” is meaningfully different from “I don’t want it to be effective if I ever have to use it.” -- House of Eratosthenes

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 4, 2013 1:28 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

They need a different guy to introduce their video. I saw this posted somewhere last week and when the "fasionable guy" first popped up I thought it was some kind lame comedy skit where guys would end up fighting with male glamour magazines and the guy with the most mousse ads would win.

I did not think it was actually serious and closed it before it actually got started.

Posted by: Mumblix Grumph at May 4, 2013 2:11 PM

I can hear the retorts already.

This may happen, but with those kids in the house it's more common for them to commit manslaughter (no kidding - that did just happen) or suicide. Statistics cover a world of excuses. Besides - those break-in guys are underprivileged and probably out of unemployment.

Of course, my own point is have a shotgun with high capacity. The first guy would've absorbed one round of OO, maybe 2. The next guy one more, and more in reserve.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at May 4, 2013 5:01 PM

If I saw somebody operating after taking a load of double O at room range, I might have to ask for a shot of whatever he was on...

Seriously, though, good spot, and good post, Mr. V.

You can tap light with a heavy hammer. But all the swing in the world won't turn a framer into a sledge.

Best tool for the job. And to hell with the State.

Posted by: TmjUtah at May 5, 2013 3:55 PM

Thankfully, I've never engaged a human with OO, but I do get a lot of head shots on turkey with #5 heavy load, and they frequently want 2 rounds.

I'd expect OO to be a death blow, but another thing I've learned turkey hunting is that close range shots are easier to miss than medium range and long range, aimed, shots. Many say the sound of you chambering the round, or the scary blast, are enough to subdue the bad guy. Not buying any of that. 2 rounds is way probable, and besides, it is there to be used.

Of course, this is all 12 gauge talk. BTW, I like a round called DEAD COYOTE, which is a mix of .22 and double-ought buck.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at May 5, 2013 9:08 PM

Thankfully, I've never engaged a human with OO, but I do get a lot of head shots on turkey with #5 heavy load, and they frequently want 2 rounds.

I'd expect OO to be a death blow, but another thing I've learned turkey hunting is that close range shots are easier to miss than medium range and long range, aimed, shots. Many say the sound of you chambering the round, or the scary blast, are enough to subdue the bad guy. Not buying any of that. 2 rounds is way probable, and besides, it is there to be used.

Of course, this is all 12 gauge talk. BTW, I like a round called DEAD COYOTE, which is a mix of .22 and double-ought buck.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at May 5, 2013 9:09 PM

Thankfully, I've never engaged a human with OO, but I do get a lot of head shots on turkey with #5 heavy load, and they frequently want 2 rounds.

I'd expect OO to be a death blow, but another thing I've learned turkey hunting is that close range shots are easier to miss than medium range and long range, aimed, shots. Many say the sound of you chambering the round, or the scary blast, are enough to subdue the bad guy. Not buying any of that. 2 rounds is way probable, and besides, it is there to be used.

Of course, this is all 12 gauge talk. BTW, I like a round called DEAD COYOTE, which is a mix of .22 and double-ought buck.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at May 5, 2013 9:12 PM

A guy hyped up on dope can take an awful lot of punishment; just ask a large-city cop.

Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. AND, the ones left in the mag are no good.


Posted by: Dave at May 6, 2013 4:35 AM