May 22, 2013

Jay the Carney Barker Better Puff Up the Resume Because He's About to Take a Turn in the Barrel

Jay Carney, 2006: 'I'm sure I wouldn't be any good' as a press secretary -

Jay Carney, then --Time Magazine Washington bureau chief, tells C-SPAN why he "probably wouldn't be any good" as a White House press secretary. (2006)

But, as commenter TMAC notes 7 days ago:

"He was so wrong! The guy is a natural. The lies and B/S just flow from this guys mouth as if he actually believes it. And he probably does! And there will be plenty of future opportunity for him. Any fortune 500 company employs countless ass kissing, brown nosing, yes men that can lie to you all while smiling and looking you straight in the face. And with this white house gig on his resume, he can pick and choose his future degradation. Good on him."

Jay the Carney Barker yesterday:

"I mean, nobody's been more outraged by the reported conduct here than the president of the United States," said Carney.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 22, 2013 7:25 AM
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