August 29, 2013

Under Review: "Slaves dream not of freedom, but of becoming masters."


Turns out Tom is hiding in plain sight: On the Thomas Pynchon Trail: From the Long Island of His Boyhood to the ‘Yupper West Side’ of His New Novel

Stop the effin’ presses! Doug Ross @ Journal: HOLY TOLEDO: Harvard Study Proves That Gun Control Laws Can't Work, Won't Work and Have Never Worked

Buh-bye! Call him "Captain Obvious." MSNBC's Chris Hayes has a firm grasp on what everyone in the universe knows: his show is tanking in the ratings.

Dr. Phil’s Drunken Sex Escapade Face it, you always knew he was a bald pervo.

The Giant Magellan Telescope Will Capture Earth-Sized Planets and the Earliest Stars: Fine but don’t expect anyone to pay a ransom.


Marmots rule; An Abandoned House Overtaken by Animals

The American Spectator : Islam’s Now vs. Then War With Islam it is always war-time.

The Fraud of Feminism’s Finest Hour: The Match Maker: Bobby Riggs, The Mafia and The Battle of the Sexes


Why, oh why, did I ever give this away? 1970s Gleaming Olivetti Lettera 35 @ Mid-Century Modern Freak

Confirmed: Second-Hand Smoke was a big lie “for your own good.”The Real Reason Behind Public Smoking Bans | PBS NewsHour

Read ‘em and weep: Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany | Books | The Turnip Princess: a newly discovered fairytale | Books |

VROOOOOM! Peterbilts of the Future! Peterbilt teams up with The Forge to create the next big rig サ Raneys Truck Parts

It’s only a paper moon. Maybe. The Freaky Celestial Events We See—and the Ones We Don't - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus


Photobomb of the Year

City of Light Weight: Replica of Paris in China Becomes Ghost Town Ah, those orientals, masters of imitation.


Where Have the Carousel Animals Gone? Antique Merry-Go-Rounds Fight Extinction They weep for the snail darter but never for Tigger!

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 29, 2013 10:21 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

One big problem with gun control laws - hell, with laws in general - is that criminals don't obey them. What we really is a law saying criminals have to obey the law.

Posted by: SteveS at August 29, 2013 11:55 AM

Bobby Riggs won Wimbleton in 1939. Let that sink in a while. He was nearly 30 years past his career height when he challenged the best women's player in Tennis... and whupped her the first time. He totally proved his point, something women just didn't want to hear.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at August 29, 2013 6:22 PM

On the Riggs/King thing: It shoud also be noted that "Billy" Jean has a little snippet of her second "X" chromosome missing, unlike Margaret Court, who lost to Riggs.

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at August 30, 2013 12:37 PM