November 27, 2015

Notes from the Underground 9


Why Liberals Hate Me - Cobb

I was a black Conservative, and I voted Republican. That can never be forgiven or forgotten. So I guess the better question is why do Liberals hate black Conservatives. Even though I'm not a 'black Conservative', I have been one and I know how they operate. So I'll just pretend that I am one and answer that question in the present tense. Why? Because we're assholes who know more about black people than they do and we dispute the veracity their worldview. Our persistent existence shortcuts the advantage they have in moral persuasion. Due to a typical lack of imagination, they must exemplify 'minorities' as victims of the system whose powers they seek to control.

China Sea Blues: A Thing Not to Do
What would happen if in a shooting war the Chinese crippled the American fleet? Washington is rampant with large egos, especially that of John McCain, the senator from PTSD. If it were discovered that China could disable the Navy, many other countries might conclude that they could do it too. They most certainly would think of this. Washington could not accept the discovery: Fear of the carriers is a large element in Washington’s intimidation of the world. To save face, the US would be tempted to go nuclear, or seriously bomb China proper, with unforeseeable results.

Life After ISIS - Roads & Kingdoms
Back in the SUV, we speed up on the snakelike road onto Sinjar Mountain. This is the route that those who fled ISIS’s advances took in August 2014. The asphalt makes long sweeps and switchbacks up the steep terrain. At many points along the road are scattered messes of clothing, as if someone had opened a suitcase and flipped it over. A red jumper fitted for an infant catches my eye as we pass, then a small pair of shoes, then a suit matted near a flower-patterned dress. Their colors are faded from the year baking in the sun, vivid decaying reminders of terror, of running, of war blanketing the mountain.

Trump Trouble Report | Scott Adams Blog
On Trump’s mocking of the reporter with a disability, that probably crossed the line of appropriate presidential behavior according to nearly every observer. But in one week you’ll remember that Trump is similarly unkind about the physicality of all the other candidates as well. He called Rubio sweaty, Rand Paul unattractive, and Fiorina stern-faced. And you will also remember that Trump is the recipient of more physical insults than any human in the history of the universe.

The Norwegian Secret To Enjoying A Long Winter
This is easy enough to change; simply refuse to participate in the Misery Olympics. Talk about how the cold gives you a chance to drink tea or hot chocolate all day. Talk about ice skating, or building snowmen. Bundle up and go for a walk outside, knowing that you’ll likely feel warmer and happier after a few minutes. Better yet, go with a friend. Social plans are a great reason to haul yourself out from under the covers.

The day I became a millionaire — Medium
Then in 2006, it suddenly happened from one day to the next. Jeff Bezos had taken an interest in Basecamp, and Jason and I each sold him a minority, no-control stake of our share of the company for a few million dollars each (Basecamp had been self-funded and profitable from the start, so didn’t need any capital for the venture). I was a millionaire!

Inside Mark Zuckerberg's Bold Plan For The Future Of Facebook
"If we’re trying to build a world-class News Feed, and a world-class messaging product, and a world-class search product, and a world-class ad system, and invent virtual reality, and build drones, I can’t write every line of code," he tells me. "I can’t write any lines of code."

San Francisco Values
For a decade or two now, the rich haven’t needed to make much of an effort because they’ve managed to beguile liberals in much the same way that Tom Sawyer tricked his friends into whitewashing the fence. Rather than clamoring to redistribute wealth, liberalism now gratefully accepts whatever crumbs wealth deigns to bestow—and in return treats wealth with the obsequious deference of a court eunuch.

How this happened—and especially its San Francisco pedigree—I hope to explain. It’s long been a truism that California is the political and cultural bellwether for the nation. But this particular export remains underappreciated.

For the moment, though, it’s enough to recognize that both the rich and the Left—and above all the rich Left—have a clear interest in obscuring and even denying their arrangement: the Left because they need the culture’s rhetorical guns trained rightward in order to maintain their grip on power; the rich to deflect scrutiny and envy from themselves.

You are the Someone |
The West is filled with millions of people like Alex, all of them waiting for Someone. They are the product of a multi-decade campaign to deliberately empty people of their culture; to actually make them ashamed of it. They were purposely drained of God, country, family like chickens so they could be stuffed with the latest narrative of the progressive meme machine. The Gramscian idea was to produce a blank slate upon which the Marxist narrative could be written.

Reading the Electoral Tea Leaves: We Win, They Lose
Since the 2010 midterms, the Democrat party has lost over 1,200 seats in government according to Real Clear Politics. That’s governorships, state senate, state house, town councils, county leadership, city councils, and mayors. Not only are they losing on economic issues, but they’re losing on the social issues. And it’s no surprise, for even though the left has been winning on so many fronts, the broader populace is not pleased. According to a Washington Post, ABC News poll in July, fully 63% of adult Americans are either strongly or somewhat uncomfortable with the direction of the country on social issues. We mustn’t forget who is driving that “uncomfortable” agenda.

Winter storm on Highway 80 near Baxter, California

Never Mess with This Girl's Purse: A correspondent sends this on with the note "I'm in love." I'm with him.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 27, 2015 10:18 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

You had me at "Never mess with this girl..."

Posted by: Casey Klahn at November 27, 2015 4:07 PM

'Tempted to go nuclear'? If China were to destroy the Navy I would certainly hope that we would reward that act of war with a thousand of our most effective nukes.

Posted by: GoneWithTheWind at November 28, 2015 8:09 AM

Nice touch with the target done up as a black kid.


Posted by: Arthurstone at November 28, 2015 9:33 AM

"All racists see the world in black and white and everything is unfair."
--gs, 2099

Posted by: ghostsniper at November 28, 2015 12:40 PM

Drop me a line ghost.

Posted by: Arthurstone at November 28, 2015 1:53 PM

Hmmm, I see a Caucasian mannequin wearing a ski mask.

But keep fucking that chicken, Arthur.

Posted by: Butch at November 28, 2015 6:04 PM

Hmmm, I see a Caucasian mannequin wearing a ski mask.

But keep fucking that chicken, Arthur.

Posted by: Butch at November 28, 2015 6:04 PM